Thursday, January 19, 2012

10 More Things I Don’t Spend Money On

There are plenty of things I have to spend money on - gas for the car to get back and forth to work, child care, mortgage, heat, groceries, etc.  In order to maintain our budget and have money left for vacations and other fun stuff there are several items I choose not to spend my hard earned cash on as part of my daily routine.  Here is a list of some those items: 

1.                   Paper Towels
2.                  Gym Memberships
3.                  Pre-Prepared Foods – chopped veggies, cooked bacon, Lunchables, etc.
4.                  Greeting Cards
5.                  Instant Rice
6.                  Frozen Burritos
7.                  Ice
8.                  Pay-Per-View Movies
9.                  Bakery Items – I rarely set foot in that section of the grocery store
10.               Movie Tickets 

I do keep a roll of paper towels, I purchased three years ago, in my travel trailer and I take rags camping with me as well. 

I have no desire to join a gym so that one is easy.  A year ago I did purchase an exercise ball and a new bike pump for less than the price of a one month membership fee. 

When they came out with pre-cooked bacon I nearly lost my mind.  Instant rice I don’t have a need for, frozen burritos taste terrible and I have no idea what is in one, frozen water I can make myself. 

Pay-per-view movies and going to the movies is just not a budget option right now.  I wait for it to come out on my $8.99 Netflix plan.  As a special treat I do take my girls to the $ theatre if there is something we really want to see on the big screen and we skip the snack bar. 

Bakery items - well, by now I am sure you have figured out I love to bake so I’ve pretty much got that covered and for a fraction of the cost.

What do you choose not to spend your hard earned cash on?


  1. I'm with you on a lot of these. We only go to the movies for special treats, I don't spend money on sodas, or ice unless I need a lot, like when we travel and want to fill a cooler. I do buy bakery items and paper towels, although I try to limit how many we use.

  2. What an interesting list!

    I don't buy any scented air refreshers. My husband hates them and is somewhat allergic to them, so I just rely on fresh air from opened windows, candles, and simmering spices on the stove.

    I don't buy spray cleaners. I use vinegar diluted with water.

    I don't buy mayo - I make it.

    I don't buy plastic bags. I wash and reuse any that come into my house until they have holes in them. We use real containers whenever possible. I freeze in canning jars or containers, not freezer bags.

    I adore books, but I rarely buy them. I borrow books from the library or a friend. I try to keep our "things" to a minimum and this is one way I do it.

    I don't buy canned beans, only dried. I cook them myself, often in the crockpot, and freeze them. Cheaper and healthier.

  3. I buy #1 (4 kids! lol!) and #10! But a lot of times we save points from our debit card for free movie passes! :)


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