Saturday, January 28, 2012

Family Movie Nite

About once a month I try to schedule a family movie night.  It is usually a double feature – one rented and one from the archives in the hall closet.  I will typically plan for a brunch in the morning and an early supper around 3:30 or 4:00 so we can have snacks with our movie. 

Almost always there is “old fashioned” popcorn – popped in my great-grandmother’s old Dutch oven with oil and then drizzled with melted butter.  My kids are very impressed by popcorn that doesn’t come out of a microwave.  Funny, I remember when I was impressed by popcorn that was popped in a microwave.

We start around 6:00 and everyone can put on their pajamas and bring in pillows and a blanket to get comfy.  Even our two cats will join us.  Once we are settled in with our beverage of choice and our snacks we push play. 

Occasionally we will do movie marathon days.  That is when I really pull out the oldie moldies like Star Wars or Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Shrek, Toy Story.  We’ll pick a set of sequels and run those while we do crafts or work on projects we have going. 

It is a nice way for all of us to spend some much needed down time together in a casual and relaxing way.  We really look forward to it.  Super budget friendly too!

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