Thursday, February 2, 2012

February – 28 Things To Do This Month

Every day this month I am going to pick one thing from the list to do and then mark it off.  Some I can do quickly and some I will need to schedule time for.
1.                   Wash all the interior doors, doorjambs, and doorknobs upstairs
2.                  Complete one task on the HOUSE TO DO LIST
3.                  Super dust my bedroom and bop the cobwebs
4.                  Clean the ceiling fan in my bedroom
5.                  Spend a day investment cooking – see plan
6.                  Make a gift
7.                  Bake cookies with my girls, share with the neighbor
8.                  Make Valentines with the girls to give to their classmates & teachers
9.                  Send a Valentine to my aunt and my grandpa
10.               Create my March meal plan
11.                Clean and re-organize the bathroom cabinet upstairs
12.               Clean and re-organize the kitchen utensil drawer
13.               Purge my closet and drawers – collect items to donate
14.               Bake zucchini bread, take some to work
15.               Try a new recipe
16.               Vacuum the inside of the car, wash inside of windshield
17.               Clean the drawer under the stove
18.               Wash the inside of the upstairs windows
19.               Super scrub the downstairs bathroom
20.              Super clean the laundry room
21.               Sew something
22.              Make new Thank You cards
23.              Bake two loaves of bread
24.              Super dust the entertainment center
25.              Re-organize CDs & DVDs
26.              Super scrub the litter box
27.              Take in the glass recycling
28.              Make new Christmas card list
What’s on your list this month?
January –30 Things to Do This Month 

1.                   Clean, purge and organize the junk drawer
2.                  Update my address book
3.                  Wash all the interior doors, door jambs and doorknobs
4.                  Super dust and straighten up my home office
5.                  Compile the information I need to file my taxes Done and my taxes filed!  1/21/12 earliest I’ve ever done that.
6.                  Create my February meal plan
7.                  Craft Project - make gift bags/tags with my girls
8.                  Bake two loaves of bread
9.                  Wash all the mirrors in the house
10.               Clean and re-organize the bathroom cabinet downstairs
11.                Walk through the entire house and make a TO DO list, room by room.
12.               Super dust the china cabinet
13.               Wash the inside of the living room windows and sills
14.               Schedule a day for some investment cooking and make a plan This was a fun one for me.  I love stuff like this.
15.               Clean the ceiling fan in the dining room
16.               Move the couch and vacuum underneath it
17.               Wipe off all the baseboards downstairs I got the girls to help me with this one.
18.               Bop the cobwebs downstairs
19.               Vacuum the lampshades and dust the lamps
20.              Try a new recipe new zucchini bread recipe – we didn’t like it
21.               Take an inventory of my spice cabinet, make a list of what I need
22.              Iron
23.              Make a gift
24.              Bake a cake my eldest daughter happily took this one on for me.
25.              Take the car in for an oil change
26.              Buy two new dish towels, make two old ones into rags
27.              Family Movie Nite – popcorn!
28.              Clean and re-organize under the kitchen sink, wash the trash can
29.              Wash the silverware tray and clean the drawer
30.              Sew something

I am amazed at how much I got accomplished just this past month and by having this list I was able to do it in such small increments that it didn’t feel like I was doing much at all. 

Did you make a list like this?  How was your progress this month?

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