Saturday, June 16, 2012

Summer Vacation – Week 2

We went camping over the weekend.  I am very fortunate to live in an area surrounded by beautiful forests.  The Boise National forest is host to a lot of really nice campgrounds located close to home.  We headed out early in the morning and were all set up and ready to rock before lunchtime.  We had a blast but we obviously packed too much into our trip because we came home exhausted. 

Monday/Tuesday - Once home it was time to clean up and re-pack the trailer, do the laundry, clean the vehicles, catch up on household chores and work in the yard.  We were ready to get back to our summer vacation itinerary by Wednesday. 

Wednesday - I did get some sewing done.  I got the sundresses finished and two more cut out and ready to sew up.  The fabric came from that box my dear friend gave me when she cleaned out her garage.  My only investment was the pattern ($3.99) and some interfacing (99¢).  Even the thread I used was given to me by my mother when she went through and thinned out her supplies last summer.  While I was at it I also cut out two more pair of summer pajamas for the girls. 

We worked in the yard and garden some and the girls spent a lot of time reading.  For us it was a fairly quiet day. 

Thursday - we went to the fabric store right after breakfast armed with the ad from the Sunday paper and some 50% OFF coupons I got in the mail.  I was out of interfacing and ¾” elastic.  They also had their Simplicity patterns on sale for $1.99 so I wanted to see if there was a good one for the girls.  I found a cute pattern that has a skirt, top, pants and a jacket.  I can do a lot with that. 

On our way to the fabric store I stopped at ShopKo.  I had received a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase and I wanted to see if they had tennis shoes for the girls on clearance.  They did and I snapped up two pair for $19.99 each (original price $39.99).  After my coupon $14.99 each!  I also found two pairs of jeans on clearance for $7.49 each (regular price $24.99).  That made my total purchase $44.96 & $2.70 sales tax=$47.66.  A great start to back-to-school shopping already! 

We rode our bikes to the park and ate our lunch again, then home to relax.  The girls read their library books and I crocheted.  After supper we watched our anxiously awaited season premiere episodes of Burn Notice and Suits.  We had a great day! 

Friday – after breakfast we went to Walmart to pick up a few items we needed and then headed home to putt around in the garden and yard.  I went back to the fabric store and purchased 3 yards of denim to make school clothes with that was on sale 50% off.  If I get everything made I am planning to for back-to-school then the only thing left to purchase will be socks and underwear.  I’m feeling pretty good about that.  We spent the rest of the day as a free day to do whatever we liked. 

I decided we didn’t need to cram as much into this week as we did last week but I still feel like I got a lot done.  It has been much more low-key but it looks like next week is shaping up to be a busier one. 

How was your week?

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