Thursday, July 26, 2012

Christmas Gift Ideas – Jam Sets

As you are preparing to start your canning adventures this summer you can also begin crafting some Christmas gifts.  I like to make jams, jellies and fruit butters and I know my less than crafty friends and relatives love to receive a jar of homemade preserves. 

One thing I like to do at Christmas is put a set of half-pint jars of preserves together for gift giving.  I usually will make a berry jam, a jelly or two and an apple or pear butter each summer. 

Collect some fabric scraps and a saucer.  With the saucer, trace a circle onto a sheet of copy paper or scrap paper and cut it out with scissors.  This is your pattern.  I like to cut out my fabric circles with pinking shears.

Remove the ring from the jelly and center the fabric circle over the jar, then replace the ring.  Make sure and use a shiny new looking ring with no rust on it.  At your computer you can make a cute label in Word to tape on or to print ready-made labels, which is what I do.  If you are artsy you can make them by hand too.  Place the label neatly to the jar and you are done.  At this point you can also add ribbon, raffia or whatever else you would like to further embellish the jars. 

I put these jars right into my gift bin so I know where they are when Christmas rolls around.  When I get ready to give them it is fun to nestle them in a basket or box with shredded paper or straw.  I also like to add a fresh loaf of homemade bread, muffins or cornbread. 

I usually plan to purchase a new box of half pint jars every year or two for this particular purpose.  I keep my eyes out for jars at yard sales and thrift stores and grab them if I can get them cheap enough.  Sometimes they are priced to high and I pass on them because I still have to add a lid and a ring.  New jars come with them so I need to factor that in when I buy used jars. 

Recently I have noticed canning jars going for 75¢ to $1 each at thrift stores!  If they are vintage and unique I might get them but for standard jars – no way.

Along with Christmas remember birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and housewarmings are also excellent occasions to put this type of gift together.  I like to give a single decorated jar and a loaf of bread as a hostess gift too. 

So when you are making jam and jelly this summer, make some extra and get working on that Christmas list. J 

You might enjoy revisiting Easy Apple Butter.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Baby Essentials


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