Thursday, September 27, 2012

Should You Have A Grocery Stockpile?

In my humble opinion the answer to this question is yes, without a doubt.  Why?  Well, because you never know when you might encounter an unexpected expense or hardship.  How much of a stockpile and what goes into it is strictly up to you. 

When I first started mine it was with the idea that should “worse come to worse” I would have enough food on hand to feed my family for three months.  Now that I have started a new business and money is tighter I felt it prudent to increase my stockpile and add on an additional three months supply.  I have worked at it all summer. 

I have a stockpile for peace of mind.  A freezer full of meat, butter and veggies sits in my garage.  Flour, onions and potatoes sit in my refrigerator in the garage.  I have four cases of canned fruit in my bedroom closet.  Our pantry is fully stocked with canned and dry goods of all varieties and I have already purchased the seeds for next year’s garden. 

If I am careful, I can adequately prepare simple, basic, healthy meals for my family with minimal purchases from the grocery store should I the need arise, and it may.  I would be foolish to think it might not.  You never know what could happen. 

Whether you are single, a couple or a family a stockpile of basic foods is a good idea: 

·         Rice
·         Dried beans
·         Pasta
·         Flour
·         Sugar
·         Yeast
·         Baking powder
·         Canned fruit & vegetables
·         Canned soup
·         Canned meats – tuna, clams, chicken, etc.
·         Canned or powdered milk
·         Root vegetables – potatoes, onions, carrots, etc.
·         Squash
·         Frozen meats
·         Frozen vegetables
·         Frozen cheese 

With these items on hand you can prepare some pretty basic meals.  You can add additional items to this list, of course.  Currently I rotate items and use them to avoid expiration and freezer burn, then replace the items I use. 

Do you have a stockpile in your home?  What are your thoughts?


  1. My dad taught me to always have a pantry full of never know when you or someone else may need it. Stocking up when things were on sale was a game to him.
    I just love the way you manage your home!

    1. Thanks Nikki Just like your Dad I too make a game of sale items. I love when I can get stuff super cheap and save a bunch of $$. Happy Thrifting!

  2. Here in the Uk we have a stockpile, and it's proved invaluable in the past. We recently lived on our tinned and frozen stockpile for two months (also our own garden produce and honey) following unexpected expenses, and were able to avoid incurring any debt in consequence.
    At the moment I'm building it up again in case we have another water burst!!

    1. That is great. You just never know what might happen. Being prepared is essential.


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