Saturday, September 29, 2012

We Have A New Family Member

I read online the other day that the Idaho Humane Society had extended their 9 Lives for $9 Adoption Fee promotion for another week.  That usually means they have too many kitties in need of a home and they really want to place them. 

I have a soft spot when it comes to kitties.  I just adore them.  Last year, at the end of August, we had to put my son’s cat to sleep when he went into kidney failure.  He was only 8 years old and it was so sudden and unexpected.  It broke our hearts and we miss him every day.  He was such a quirky little dude.

After a year of mourning I’ve been feeling the tug to get another kitty.  I checked out the lengthy list of available adoptees on the IHS website and slept on it for a few days.  Yesterday we took the plunge. 

After work we headed up there to visit with the kitties.  I wanted to get an adult cat, because everyone seems to want the kittens making the adults harder to place, and I also wanted a female this time.  As we checked them all out no one seemed to really bond with us.   

I like for my kitties to pick us, rather than for us to pick them.  I was about to give up and consider coming back the next day when this little girl reach out and literally grabbed us.  She was in one of the bottom cages and we had completely overlooked her. 

Well, long story short, she was the one, absolutely perfect for us.  Sweet, loveable, adorable, what more could we ask for?  When we got home she immediately made herself right at home and made friends with my old man Henry.  She is pretty mellow and just seems to go with the flow.
Introducing herself to Henry

I am glad we decided to add a new member to the family and, of course, leave it to me to do it in a thrifty way.  $9 instead of their regular $50 adoption fee is quite a bargain.
We still miss our George

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