Monday, January 21, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

Despite the coupon doublers in the Sunday paper I decided not to do any couponing this week as there isn’t anything I truly need that was worth the trip to Walmart. 

I made homemade granola, refried beans, pancake mix and three different salad dressings. 

I repurposed two empty oatmeal tubs by covering them with a handmade label and storing the granola in them. 

I finished organizing my sewing room using bins and boxes I already had on hand in my garage. 

I thoroughly used up my bottle of shower gel and finished off two small bottles of bubble bath that had been taking up space in my bathroom cupboard forever.  I recycled the bottles. 

I laminated a soap sliver to a new bar so it would get used up and not wasted. 

I used a store coupon at Walgreens to purchase my Valentine’s treats for my girls – final price 78¢ per gift. 

I bought 3 skeins of yarn at Fred Meyer buy 2 get 1 free to finish two afghans I started by using up the scraps in my knitting bin.  Two afghans completed for $6.40.  Not too shabby! 

A trip to our favorite thrift store to find jeans for my oldest netted her a nice pair for $2 and for me 8 paperback books for 50¢! 

I cooked some carrots in my little slow cooker that a friend had given me.  They were getting a little old and she thought my chickens would like them.  They definitely do!  Chicken candy. 

Despite the frigid temperatures our chickens blessed us with 14 eggs this week.



  1. Wonderful savings this week! You do so well, you're always inspiring! :)

  2. Those are some "happy chickens" you have. Does it cost a lot to feed them? Have you ever figured out that angle?

    1. I just bought 40# of feed for them this week at $16.99. It lasts us just over 3 months. Free range organic eggs run $4 a dozen at the grocery store so in one month they have covered their feed bill, in my opinion. We sell our extra eggs for $2 a dozen to a friend of mine which we save to use toward their feed.

      More important than the eggs is the enormous joy they give us as pets. So sweet natured and very loving, surprisingly. We adore them.

  3. I love your blog! I am all about thrifting!! :)
    Your newest follower.

    Kathy @

    1. Welcome Kathy! So glad you are enjoying it. Have a wonderful day.


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