Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Hardest Part About Being A Single Parent

I think the hardest part about being a single parent is that you are it.  All the decisions that need to be made and all the ultimate responsibilities rest upon your shoulders.  Yours and yours alone.  You are it. 

Parenting is a tough job.  Certainly not for the faint of heart.  Many of us become single parents for a variety of reasons.  Divorce, death of a spouse, an oops or by choice.  With my oldest I became a single parent after a divorce.  With my two youngest I became a single parent by choice so I totally knew what I was getting myself into. 

I’ve been doing this a long time and I love being a parent.  I’ve said it over and over it is by far the best job I’ve ever held.  And when my precious little gems are sound asleep at night and I am stressed out with decisions I’ve made or have to make, I’m feeling overwhelmed with my ever increasing “To Do” list, or I’m just flat tired I think sometimes this gig is really hard.  But at the end of the day when I tumble into bed too tired to sleep I thank the almighty for those special beings he has blessed me with and in the morning I get up ready to take on another day. 

For those of you that are single parents I encourage you.  Whatever you do don’t fall into that trap of allowing it to become an excuse for why you can’t do something.  And certainly don’t use it as the excuse for why your children are misbehaving, getting in trouble or aren’t doing well in school. 

I acknowledge that sometimes single parents get a bad rap.  There are plenty of negative connotations associated with single parents but we have the ability and the power to change that. 

Embrace your single parent status and allow it to empower you.  Because ultimately, the decisions are yours.  You are in the driver’s seat. 

And to all parents I salute you.  It’s a tough job.  Keep up the great work!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Being a parent is not an easy job. It requires all your time and dedication to raise your kids on your own. But that makes it more rewarding when your kids grow up, and turn out to be a better person than you expected them to be. Cheers!

    Carlos Strey @ The Bridge Across


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