Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

We made Sunday a pajama day and enjoyed a delicious pasta meal while Family Movie Nite became more of an afternoon spent with a Jason Bourne marathon.  We watched the three DVDs from our personal collection. 

I read one of the books I picked up at the thrift store awhile back for 25¢.  My children read books they had checked out at the library. 

I listed more items and sold some things eBay.  In fact, it was a very good week. 

I began some serious Christmas planning and preparation as there is only three months left in which to do so.  Only three months! 

Once again I clipped coupons from the Sunday circulars given to me by a friend.  I also went online and printed off 9 coupons from 

I watched a couple TV programs on Amazon and the new episode of Castle on Hulu.  I also watched a comedy show on YouTube which was good for a lot of laughs.  The girls enjoyed watching funny cat videos on You Tube and a movie on Amazon. 

I watched an instructional video on YouTube on how to best flush our black water tank on our RV. 

I purchased a cordless electric kettle so I can make my morning coffee and brew my tea, now that the weather is changing.  It will help me save on propane. 

I purchased a new oil filled radiator for our RV to help keep us warm.  Energy efficient and safe to run. 

I did not do any grocery shopping this week.


  1. Christmas....ugh! I really should start planning. Thanks for the reminder.

    Just curious as to why you chose to live in an RV? Does it get very cold/snowy where you are? I read back in your blog and love all your money saving ways

    1. Hi Theresa!
      RV living is something I always wanted to try. We were planning a move to AZ and when it didn't work out I figured now was as good a time as any to give full time RV living a try. Our house is rented out and it beats dumping rent money into an apartment or something. We are really enjoying it. Our winters tend to be mild with about a month of cold but there are quite a few full time RVers in the area that seem to do fine. We don't get a lot of snow as a rule. We'll see how it goes.

    2. Wow...good for you for going for it. Hopefully it proves to be an enriching experience.

  2. I'm with you on the Christmas planning. I already have quite a few gifts bought that I have picked up during the year.

    1. I can't believe how quickly the holidays are approaching! I always look forward to them though. :)


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