Thursday, January 23, 2014

Christmas All Year Long - My Gift List

I have already started my gift list for next Christmas, in fact I started it a few weeks ago.  I know you are all probably thinking I am absolutely nuts, and I am in a lot of ways, but I have a very good reason for starting now.

I always think of these great ideas for the next Christmas during the holiday season.  However, by the time fall rolls around all those great ideas are long forgotten.  I have a memory that strongly resembles a block of Swiss cheese, I swear.  So before I get forgetful I start my new list for the following year.

Just because my list is made doesn't mean it is set in stone.  It is a free country after all and I do exercise my right as a woman to change my mind anytime I wish to.  As new ideas hit me I'll tweak it, change it and add things on.  It also gives me something to work off of as I shop for items or get ready to make handmade gifts.

Having my gift list started really helps me when it comes to setting my budget.  I also have plenty of time to look for bargains, clearance items and gather my supplies for the handcrafted things.  As always I try to take advantage of coupons and specials anytime I can to save money.

My girls are always after me to make a gift list of things I want but I can never think of things.  This year I put a big post-it note in my Christmas planner and as I think of things I jot them down.  Hopefully, this year when they ask what I want for Mother's Day, my birthday and Christmas I'll actually have an answer for them.

Am I the only nut out there or have you started your gift list too?


  1. I don't think you are nuts at all. I say every year that I will start shopping sooner but it has not happened yet. Glad to know I am not the only one with a memory that resembles swiss cheese. My father always said I have a mind like a sieve :) Memory wise that is.

    1. But! With the uncanny ability to remember stuff people really wish we wouldn't.


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