Monday, January 6, 2014

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

As I was cleaning out and reorganizing my coupons and gift cards I found an extra Walmart gift card I forgot I had.  I went online to to check the balance and discovered I still have $8.19 left on it.  I love found money! 

I checked out the grocery ads online Sunday morning. 

I gleaned a couple coupons for non food items from a friend's Sunday newspaper.  I found three more online and printed them off. 

My oldest daughter was very proud of herself when she rinsed out the last little bit of her shampoo bottle for one final washing. 

On my way home from work I stopped at the corner Walgreens and picked up a bottle of dish soap on sale for 99¢.  I used a coupon to bring it down to 74¢.  I also treated myself to a bottle of nail polish on sale for 69¢. 

After draining a can of pineapple slices I added the juice to our jug of orange juice.  A delicious way to extend our orange juice while not letting it go to waste.  Of course, we would never let pineapple juice go to waste around here. 

I used the leftover pineapple and some leftover ham to make homemade pizza on New Years Eve.  It was so delicious! 

I used more leftover ham to make pork fried rice for our New Year's supper.  Because my girls are Chinese we like to combine American New Years and Chinese New Years and celebrate them together with a big homemade Chinese supper - pan fried noodles, pork fried rice and egg drop soup. 

I relisted 35 items on my eBay account using a free listings offer.  It saved me 30¢ per listing. 

I filled my gas tank using a gift card a friend gave me last summer.  Free gas is always nice! 

While doing some organizing and planning I also watched a couple of movies on Amazon. 

Saturday morning my oldest made up a batch of homemade pancake mix.  Then she prepared us a delicious breakfast of bacon and waffles. 

We had a guest for dinner Saturday night so I pulled a meal planned for later in the month and prepared that.  Enchiladas and a big salad.  I love that my meal planning is flexible enough to allow me to do that.  After dinner we played UNO. 

I am really happy with how my week, the last of 2013 and the beginning of 2014, went.  I carefully tracked my income and my spending on my spreadsheets so I know exactly where I am, financially. 

What thrifty things did you accomplish last week?


  1. I have been staying indoors due to horrible weather, so no spending, which is thrifty :)

    Just curious, do you have a Macys near you?? I received a Macys $10 gift card from Ebates but have no means of using it. There is no Macys in Canada and they do not ship to Canada. Not sure why Ebates sent me it.

    If you can make use of it I can email you the gift card # and you could use it online(or mail it to you). I would hate to throw it out.

    Let me know. Would love for someone to get use out of it.

    1. Oh Theresa what a lovely gesture. We do have a Macy's here and I would definitely put it to use. If you can email it to me that would be great! By the way I spent my entire weekend home and didn't go anywhere. I loved it! :)


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