Friday, November 14, 2014

Touches Of Fall Around Our House

I thought I'd share a few pictures of the fall decorations I've put out since the first of October.  Just because. J

Our fireplace is one of those electric ones and I just love it.  It produces heat and has realistic looking flames.  A lot of people have mistaken it for a gas one.  I built the surround and mantle to give it a more authentic look.  In the past I have put stuff to display on the mantle and left it year round.  Since moving back home I've decided to use it more for displaying various vignettes.  Not my normal MO but I thought I'd try doing something different.

Like my electric jack-o-lanterns?  I'm not one who particularly enjoys carving pumpkins but I do love jack-o-lanterns so when they came out with these guys I knew this was right up my alley.  I've had them a few years now and they have more than paid for themselves plus no muss, no fuss.

I love these little ceramic pumpkins.  I found them at the dollar store several years ago.

I bought this little leaf dish at ShopKo a couple years ago.

The only new items I bought this year were the three leaf shaped tea light holders for the dining room table.  I found them at the dollar store.

Check out the Halloween cat in the window.  And the new rug.
Once Halloween was over I put away the jack-o-lanterns and the obvious Halloween décor.  I'll keep everything else in place through the end of the month for Thanksgiving and then it will be time to decorate for Christmas. 

Do you decorate your home for fall?


  1. I super like the rug! Nice. I used to decorate but now it is just the two of us and I have minimalized everything so I have a fall candle I burn. Simple but it works for us. We just had too much stuff so I downsized everything big time.

    1. Candles are great. Easy too My favorite decoration actually. :)

  2. Wow, I love your fireplace.
    We don't decorate for any season - it's hard enough to decorate once! :-)
    - molly

  3. Love your fall décor! I usually do decorate for fall (my absolute favorite season!)- among a few other things I have a cute scarecrow couple that I put out sitting on a little hay-bale and a wreath with fall-colored silk leaves. This year I actually forgot to take the fall decorations out of the attic so last week I went up there to take them down to put out on display. As I was leaving the attic I saw all the Christmas stuff and decided to leave the fall stuff in the attic- we now have our Christmas tree set up- lol. It is not decorated yet, but we did put the lights on. We usually wait until Thanksgiving to set the tree up but this year I was in the mood to start the season early! :)
    I LOVE your rug and your electric fireplace! I have had my eye on those fireplaces for years- one day.... ;)
    And I have to say you did an awesome job on the mantle and surrounding area! The scalloped tile is beautiful!

    1. Thank you Dawn. Christmas already? Wow! I usually don't get started until after Thanksgiving as it isn't my most favorite holiday, but I have kiddos and they love it. I'm getting better about it though. :)

  4. My home is decorated with primitives and fall is my favourite season. I decorate for fall and Christmas and that's enough for me.

    You fall decor looks really nice.

  5. Wow! I love how you decorated your house for fall. You placed just the right amount of pumpkins and the splash of seasonal colors are just perfect. I can’t wait to see how you'll do this next decorating season. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely pictures of your home! Wishing you all the best!

    John Lambert @ Cape Coral Lots

  6. Love your little wood stove, I have a real one with a big ugly pipe in the middle of the wall and no mantle. I've been trying to figure out how to decorate around it. I really like that you have the mantle!

    Thanks for commenting on my bedroom plans post. I'm so sorry that I put the boob light thought in your head! lol! After I wrote that I thought hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have said anything, what if some people like them? I actually think some other blogger put the boob image in my head, just sharing the love I guess! lol! :o)


    1. Tania you are awesome. Sharing the love is right! :) We love the heck out of our stove and the mantle has been wonderful, I must say. I'm getting excited to dress it up for Christmas.


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