Tuesday, February 3, 2015

28 Things In 28 Days - February

Last month I decided to give these lists another try and see how it worked out.  I have to say I am glad I did.  One of the things it really did was force us to get out and do more fun activities than we otherwise would have.

This is what I have planned for this month:

1.          Count my blessings
2.         Bake bread
3.         Send Valentines cards
4.         Family Game Nite!
5.         Invite a friend over for dinner
6.         Make a gift
7.         Sew or craft something
8.         Make a monthly meal plan for March
9.         Go to the $$ Store
10.       Try a new recipe
11.        Read a book or write
12.        Family Movie Nite!
13.        Thoroughly clean the refrigerator - inside & out
14.       Family outing
15.        Investment cooking - no bean chili, refried beans or something else yummy
16.       Repurpose/recycle something
17.        Install new electrical outlet
18.       Clean up the yard
19.       Brew a batch of beer
20.       Bake something and share it
21.        Re seed the lawn
22.       Update Christmas card list
23.       File my taxes
24.       Add to Christmas fund
25.       Prune the apple tree
26.       Family Nite Out!
27.       List something to sell on eBay, Etsy or Craigslist
28.       Finish unpacking all of my sewing stuff.  Organize and put away.

This how I did last month:

1.          Count my blessings I find myself doing this a lot these days
2.         Bake bread
3.         Write a letter or send a card to someone
4.         Family Game Nite!
5.         Invite a friend over for dinner
6.         Make a gift I ended up making two!
7.         Sew or craft something I have been crocheting like a crazy woman.
8.         Make a monthly meal plan for February
9.         Update my pantry list
10.       Try a new recipe Apple Nut Bread & Butterscotch Pudding
11.        Read a book Does a cookbook count?
12.        Family Movie Nite!   Hachi  Okay, no one told me it was a tearjerker!!
13.        Wash mirrors and inside windows
14.       Family outing Antiquing
15.        Investment cooking - pizza dough
16.       Repurpose/recycle something A water bottle and a pesto jar
17.        Install new light fixture
18.       Clean & reorganize cabinet under kitchen sink
19.       Brew a batch of beer Amazingly I wasn't in the mood.
20.       Bake something and share it Banana muffins and I took them to work
21.        Thoroughly clean and organize my home office
22.       Update Christmas card list  I did other Christmas stuff, just not this.
23.       Prepare to file my taxes - collect information
24.       Start Christmas fund
25.       Plan our big family vacation
26.       Purge & organize computer files
27.       Sell something on eBay, Etsy or Craigslist  I made a bunch of stuff to sell.
28.       Clean & organize pantry - take an inventory
29.       Family Nite Out!
30.       Go to the $$ Store

I didn't quite get everything done but I did get most of it and I'm pretty happy with all that we accomplished and the fun we had too.

Do you make lists like these?  What kinds of things do you put on them?


  1. I like your lists! I do make lists like this several times a year, it would probably be good for me to do it every month like you do. I usually have things on it like: clean out the attic, go through son or daughter's clothes and see what they have outgrown, make a gift for someone, go to a certain store when they are having a big sale, bake/cook something I've never tried before, etc.
    It sounds like you had a really fun month with your girls. You guys would probably love the area we live in- we live near so many antique malls and shops, people come from all over just to go antiquing here. We like going to auctions sometimes too.
    I am so impressed with all that you did from your list last month. I should try to stay on top of my list more often- sometimes, though, things just don't get done when I'd like them to. Sigh!
    Oh yeah, and I "read" cookbooks all the time, so I would say Yes, it counts. :)

    1. I used to make really hardcore chore lists to get done every month and I seriously burned out. Now I have more of the fun stuff on there and my girls have been great about helping me get the not so fun stuff done so we can play. They were a great help to me putting up the light fixture. Extra hands are always appreciated. Thanks for the thumbs up on the cookbook. My oldest said no. :(


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