Thursday, February 19, 2015

KIS - Schedules & Routines

For the most part I rely heavily on schedules and routines to get me easily through my day.  My job pretty much calls for me to have the same schedule and a set routine by which I get my work accomplished.  At home I find schedules and routines help me to be productive and stay on track.

However, strictly following the same set schedules and routines day in and day out would drive me absolutely mad so I have to find the happy medium.  At home I don't schedule everything although I would definitely be more productive if I did, and I keep my routines within reason.

I do keep a certain morning routine that I follow almost religiously.  I typically get up at the same time every morning, fix myself a cup of coffee and then I write for awhile.  Allowing my creative juices to flow first thing sets up my day.  Afterward I'm ready to shower, get dressed, make my bed and do the other things that need to be done.

While I am an avid proponent of having schedules and routines I also think being flexible and having unscheduled free time is just as vital.  If we were to schedule all aspects of our time I think we'd miss out on the possibilities of other things entering our lives.  Along with that becoming too focused on a routine can make it difficult to see a new and better way of doing something.  Flexibility plays an important role here, I think.

So yes, I do think schedules and routines are incredibly important and helpful to productivity but I also think tempering that and finding your happy medium is equally important as well.

What are your thoughts?  What are things you schedule and what are things you just fly by the seat of your pants on?  Do you have routines you follow?  Any that you find may tend to consume you maybe more than they should?  Or do you need to be more structured?  Not enough scheduling and things don't seem to get done?


  1. I agree with you on this. I think finding the happy medium is the key to productivity and to having fun in life. Without schedules and routines I find that circumstances can take over. But one of my favorite sayings is, "Nothing is written in stone." I think that flexibility is also necessary, especially when there are children in the picture.
    And I have to give you a big high five for being able to sit and creatively write in the morning when you wake up- I can barely remember my name when I roll out of bed! :)

    1. Thanks Dawn. I do tend to be a bit of a morning person. By 10:00 at night I want to fall asleep in my recliner. :)

  2. I find rather than a schedule, I do better with a list of things I want to accomplish that day. I also list them in order of importance so the biggest get done with intention and the smaller things fill in around intent.
    If I tried to write in the morning all I would have to show for it would be SU&@)UBNKnsjds9u71. Neither my fingers nor brain function well in the early am. That is time for me to do routine mundane things that require no thought.

    1. LOL, The important thing is that you have a system that works well for you. Thanks Anne!

  3. During the week, we have a routine in the morning and when we get home from work; dinner,play, bath, reading in bed and then night-night time. Week ends are a free for all, errands, thrift stores, estate sales, play time in the yard, visiting aunts, uncles, cousins, naps with the kitties, and anything that momma & the Little One want/need to do.
    Vanessa B

    1. I like your routines. Our weekends are more open too with Sunday slated as a day of rest and fun. We really need that downtime to get ready for the week ahead.


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