Monday, February 9, 2015

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday I baked two loaves of whole wheat bread and gave one loaf to a friend.  I also baked a homemade coconut cream pie to take to a Super Bowl party we attended in the afternoon.

I stuck the soap sliver in the shower to a new bar so it wouldn't go to waste by ending up slipping down the drain.  I rinsed out every last drop of dish soap in the bottle to hand wash a load of dishes.  I washed out four gallon sized Ziploc bags and hung them up in the laundry room to dry so I can reuse them.

I bought a gallon of milk ($2.09) and two dozen eggs (88¢ a dozen) at Albertsons. 

Friday evening I decided to get all of my errands done so I could park the car and stay home all weekend.  Haven't managed to do that since I moved back home.  I picked up the girls and we got started.

First we stopped at JoAnn's and I bought six yards of muslin on sale for $1.39 a yard.  I have some great projects planned for it.

Next to Walgreens to pick up soap on sale for 69¢ a bar plus I used a coupon that gave me one of the bars for free.  I also picked up four heart shaped Butterfinger candy bars for 39¢ each to give my girls as treats for Valentine's Day.

Fred Meyer is right next door so I made a quick stop in and picked up a case of toilet paper on sale for $10.99 before driving out to the mall and heading into JC Penney for three pair on new undies to replace the ratty ones I've been tossing out.  I cannot believe the price on ladies underwear.  Fortunately they were on sale buy 2 pair get one free, but still!

Next to Sizzler for dinner and to celebrate my youngest winning an award at school.  It is what we do when you get an award.  We go out to dinner at the restaurant of your choice.

Walmart was our final stop.  I don't love going to that store and I was not disappointed this trip either.  Screaming child on one aisle and foul mouthed man-child on another, prolifically using the F-word.  We got what we came for and made a bee line for the register.  The clerk was sweet and friendly and made it a better experience at the end.  It was a marathon of a race and I was happy to get home by 9:00.  We were all pretty much exhausted.

I filed my taxes using TurboTax.  I am happy to mark that one off of my "To Do" list!

Once again we altered our meal plan a little this week in order use up some leftovers. 

I turned one bottle of facial cleanser into two.  I love this cleanser but it is super thick and I am always watering it down so I can get it used up, which is great because it lasts a long time.  But it also clogs up the pump something terrible.  So I was thinking I could pour half of it into the empty container I had saved and add distilled water to it and dilute it down from the start.

I told you this stuff is THICK

Perfect consistency

I thoroughly washed out the old container.  Then I got started.  It was tricky getting the new stuff into the old bottle but I managed it.  Then I added a little distilled water and shook it up, checked it and added a little more.  I didn't want to add too much and make it too watery but as it turned out I ended up with a 50/50 ratio and it turned out perfectly.  I used it that night and it worked great.

Two for the price of one plus a few cents worth of distilled water

My daughter made another delicious coffee cake for breakfast on Saturday.

What a disaster area!
I spent the entire day on Saturday finally setting up my sewing and craft area in my bedroom and finished unpacking all of my fabric and supplies.  Another corner of the garage is now cleared out and eventually I'll be able to get out there and get it revamped and organized the way I want it.  Still holding out for warmer weather.

Fortunately most of the crap piled on this table just needed to be put away now that I have homes established for things throughout the house.  It made pretty quick work of clearing off the table.

Because you know, you really need a cordless drill to sew with, right?  Oh, and a hammer, well actually sometimes you do.

It actually looks like a sewing & craft area

All of my fabrics unpacked, put away and neatly organized.

I took all of the drawers apart and washed every one of them inside and out before putting everything away in an organized fashion.  I plan to label the drawers too. 

The containers under the table hold some extra fabric and all of
my scrapbooking, craft and beading supplies
All of the containers and lids got a bath as well so everything is spiffy clean.  I am so glad to have this eyesore taken care of and a great space to get creative once again.  It was a huge job but worth it and it didn't cost me a penny to do it either.  Even better!

My childhood doll trunk.  I'll share more about that later on.
And because we all like to know what people keep in their drawers here are a few shots.  Go ahead and peek:

Yep, those are doll shoes

Ginghams, calicos & prints with solids in the drawer above

Plaids & florals

Lots of ribbon!

Zippers, fasteners, buttons & seam bindings

Bobbins & threads

Laces & trims

More laces & trims
Eventually as finances allow I plan to replace all of this plastic with real furniture but for now I am quite content with how it is.  I am so excited!  I have so many great things planned.

My helper - he hung in there with me through to the bitter end
How thrifty were you last week?


  1. You have many more thrifty tricks than I do, but this post is giving me the push to do better. I love your new sewing and crafting area. I am planning on making three pillowcases and smock a little gown today and tomorrow. One pillowcase is for my grandson and the other two and the gown will go to a guild project for hospitals. I am also going to finish organizing my Christmas boxes. I have given away 10 boxes of Christmas things I don't use anymore, and now need to get the rest back under the stairs. Stuff can sure accumulate, can't it? You and the girls have a good week. Tana

    1. Thanks Tana! Sounds like you will be busy with your own projects. I am hoping to make curtains for my daughter and some tea towels this weekend. Hopefully that will happen. Take care!

  2. Hmmm... I think I may just throw a Super Bowl party next year just so I can invite you and you can bring one of those mouth-watering pies with you! lol. ;)
    I enjoyed this post a lot. This week I am trying to kick it into gear to organize more of the attic, but I am lacking the motivation this morning to get myself going. After looking at your fabulous organization I think I am feeling the motivation starting to kick in! I enjoyed peeking in the drawers- I love craft and sewing supplies and I may or may not have experienced twitches of envy (in a good way) looking at your fabrics, ribbons, threads, lace, etc. :)
    It sounds like you had a great weekend and a wonderful time out with the girls! Congrats to your youngest on her award!!

    1. I am a proud mama to be sure. :) I had a great deal of fun going through all of my things with projects and ideas swirling about in my head. Very satisfying to walk in here and see how nice it looks. Much more functional too. Now I'm feeling the tug to get started.

  3. Dana, great job on organizing your craft/sewing corner. I always feel a sense of freedom when I clean and organize, too.
    I actually had a thrifty moment over the weekend. The "Little One" and I went to an estate sale on Saturday where I found a pair of vintage, embroidered with crocheted hems, pillow cases for $1.00 !!!!! Only issues were some dirt, discoloration and a weird smell. I plunked down my four quarters, came home and soaked them overnight in Oxiclean and very hot water. Sunday morning I washed the pillow cases withLittle One's sheets and then with my mine. They came out clean,fresh smelling, the embroidery is bright and you can see all the detail in the crochet work on the hem. They look so pretty on my bed and give the cottage look I was going for.
    Thank you again for sharing your tips and recipes. I'm finding my self using many of them.
    Vanessa B

    1. Wonderful! I just love those old pillowcases and you got them for a steal.Great job getting them cleaned up. I bet they look really nice.


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