Friday, February 13, 2015

One Super Cute Laundry Room Coming Up!

But first you have to see how it was.


Kind of messy...

...and boring.
Not the worst laundry room ever but certainly not spectacular.  I had painted and put up a border several years ago and a new light fixture after that but nothing else was really done in here and it has easily been a bit of a dumping ground.  Especially on top of the washer and dryer.

No budget but I had an idea.

Found items in my garage.  The washboard belonged to my great-grandmother.  I've been wanting to get it up on display for quite some time.  My collection of enamelware including my grandma's coffee pot she always took camping.  I take it too.

A clothespin bin past it's prime get retired.

It has a matching lid and a ladle.  I found both at a thrift store a couple years ago and I've been dying to use them.

Fortunately my oldest loves to help me organize stuff and she is really good at it too.

I made some artwork by printing vintage soap ads off the internet.  I spent $2 for these two frames at the dollar store.  Using my paper cutter (aka. guillotine) made quick work of trimming them to size to fit in the frames.  I also found a bar of ivory soap in a faux vintage wrapper for $1 while I was there.  I grabbed it too.

I made a vignette on the shelf that was originally installed to hold my laundry detergent.

See my faux vintage bar of ivory soap by the scale.
And the pan full of clothespins with the ladle hanging from the handle.
  I like it this arrangement much better!

I think this arrangement on the wall actually makes you notice the border.

My daughter's organizing.  Splendid!

And this arrangement on top of the appliances is waaaaaay better than the crap pile that had accumulated.  The towels will be replaced later with something really snazzy but for now they don't seem too bad to me.

I put my cleaning rags in the big red bowl.
Our extra winter gloves are in the bucket.
We got it done in an evening and we love it! Plus the fact that I only spent $3 for extra stuff is pretty dang cool!


  1. LOVE THIS!!! You gals did a fabulous job! I love the soap prints and frames- so easy, inexpensive and adorable. I think I may try something like that for my laundry area. I really enjoy seeing how you redo areas and rooms in your home. It always puts me in 'project mode.' :)

    1. Thanks Dawn! We had a ball doing this room. I'm still going to add stuff. In fact last night I hung up a picture collage I had made of my grandparents wedding photos and invitation. I'm thinking I'm going to hang more of my vintage family pics in there.

  2. Oh Dana,
    This is sooooo super duper cute, I am lusting !!!
    If my basement laundry room looked this sweet, I might actually enjoy doing laundry ��
    You ladies outdid yourselves this time. GREAT JOB !!!!!!!
    Vanessa B

    1. Thanks so much. It was a fun project and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I have to say I don't mind being in here at all. :)

  3. The pictures look so good, it is a big improvement. Way to go!

  4. Awesome! It looks so great! I have a vintage washboard in my laundry room too and that same bar of Ivory soap!


    1. Your laundry room redo was a great inspiration for me to get motivated. I'd had this idea in my head forever and after seeing what you had done I thought I should get it in gear and get busy. So nice how we are able to inspire and motivate each other. :)

  5. You really transformed that space. It looks great now, and your workflow is probably much smoother. I like how the towels look on top of the washer and dryer – pretty, but also practical, because they’ll catch any spilled detergent or other liquids while you’re working. The fact that you had to pay practically nothing to do this is a huge plus too!

    Bennie Dixon @ Safeclean Wandsworth


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