Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Handmade Gift - Hanging Dish Towels

I love the idea of giving hanging dish towels as gifts.  Up until a couple of years ago I had never made one.  Thought about it a lot but hadn't done it.  They aren't difficult to make either and I was easily able to find a free pattern online complete with instructions.  You can get one here too.

Since printing out this pattern I've used it multiple times to make about a dozen towels.  Some I've sold in my Etsy store but most I've given away as gifts.  I've made multiple variations embellishing them with buttons, trims and various decorative stitches.

These are super fun to make.  Especially in themes to decorate your kitchen for all of the different holidays.  I made one out of a salvaged towel and some cute pom pom trim.  You can read more about that one here.

If you decide to make some of these let me know.  I'd love to see pictures of your handiwork too.


  1. These are so cute !!!!!!
    I can see giving these as housewarming gifts, too. Using fabric and towels to coordinate with the color of the kitchen would be so personal and special.
    Thank you for sharing this great idea.
    Vanessa B

    1. Certainly! If you make some I want to know about it! :)


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