Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Grandma's Easy & Tasty Ham Salad

Several years ago I inherited my grandma's meat grinder and boy have I used it for so many things.  One of those tasty things is her simple and delicious ham salad.

After running a chunk of ham through the grinder I take about two cups of the ground meat and moisten it with a half cup of mayonnaise and a quarter cup of sweet pickle relish.  It makes such a nice sandwich spread.

We love it in a sandwich but also as a topping for crackers.  My girls love it too.

If you don't have one of these fabulous vintage meat grinders you can still make this using a food processor.  You can also substitute beef or chicken.

Give it a try and enjoy!


  1. Gosh, your picture of the grinder brought back a ton of memories. My mom has one and it was her mothers. As a child my job was to turn the handle, hash, sandwich mixes, etc. They just don't make that quality anymore. Enjoy yours!

  2. That ham salad looks and sounds great. I will have some iteration of poultry breast, chicken or turkey, cranberry sauce, dressing and green bean casserole and other foods.


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