Friday, April 15, 2016

Travel Size First Aid Kits

Earlier in the week I posted about our Go Bags.  A couple of weeks ago my youngest and I made travel size first aid kits to tuck inside.

After going through the things we already had on hand in the upstairs bathroom we made a quick trip to the dollar store.  There we filled in the gaps with the purchase of some extra band-aids and these nifty red containers that were the perfect size.  And they were red!

Somehow I've managed to accumulate several pair of tweezers.  Not sure how because I don't remember ever buying them, but I've got them so I put a pair in each kit.  Along with band-aids in assorted sizes, cotton swabs, cotton balls, gauze squares, tape and alcohol pads.

These would be great to put in a purse or gym bag too.  Or a tackle box, a back pack, glove box.  I think I need more of these containers.  I could make more of these and give them as gifts.  Hmmm.


  1. Great idea especially that red container

  2. I think those would be good gifts! I keep a first aid kit in my car and I have a couple of little cases that I've always meant to turn into mini ones for my purse, but just never done it.


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