Friday, May 20, 2016

No Garden This Year

As a family we have decided not to put in a garden this year.  We discussed at length that because we have quite a few activities planned for the summer and my oldest will be in school full time that it would be best for all of us to lighten our load a bit this summer.  Gardening was the one thing we felt would take a significant amount of our time so reluctantly we decided to let it go.

After making that decision we all decided we now have the opportunity to improve our backyard space.  We have several projects we've been considering:

Expand our chicken coop area
Rebuild our raised garden beds and planting areas
Build a better compost bin
Add a potting shed
Improve our soil
Continue to improve the lawn and flowerbeds
Rebuild our gate
Add rain barrels

I like these ideas a lot and am hopeful that we can do a few of these things this summer.  I especially like the idea of adding on to the chicken coop to give the ladies more space to run about and play.  A potting shed would be nice too.

More importantly I'm looking forward to the other activities we have planned for the summer.  Stay tuned. J

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