Thursday, April 6, 2017

Goals For April

March was a very busy month for us and I'm amazed I was able to get as much done as I did, to be perfectly honest.  Not as much fun and play time as I had hoped but we'll just work harder on that part in April.

I made some candles with some leftover wax I had

This is what I have planned for this month:

1.          Make or purchase a gift for someone
2.         Send a card or letter to someone
3.         Family Nite Out or Outing
4.         Be creative - sew or craft something
5.         Do some investment cooking
6.         Continue walking outdoors - three times a week
7.         Learn to do something new
8.         Take my children out for a thrifty date
9.         Spring clean the chicken coop
10.       Try a new recipe
11.        Prune fruit trees
12.        Enjoy a Family Movie Nite or a Family Game Nite!
13.        Complete a small home improvement project
14.       Complete a retirement house project
15.        Invite guests over for dessert, appetizers or a meal

While most of these seem a bit repetitive, and they are, they also help me stay the course and get the things done that need to be done around here.  They also help me not to forget to have fun.  Having fun is a pretty important part of life, if you ask me.

Getting this light and having a friend install it for me
was hands down the best accomplishment last month!

This is how I did last month:

1.          Make or purchase a gift for someone
2.         Send a card or letter to someone
3.         Family Nite Out or Outing  Robots!
4.         Be creative - sew or craft something
5.         Do some investment cooking beans
6.         Start walking outdoors again - rain or shine
7.         Learn to do something new watching Youtube videos
8.         Take my children out for a thrifty date
9.         Research some new hiking trails
10.       Try a new recipe  Orange Cranberry Scones, vegan chocolate cake
11.        Plant more seeds indoors for the garden
12.        Enjoy a Family Movie Nite or a Family Game Nite!
13.        Complete a small home improvement project  new bathroom light/fan/heater
14.       Complete a retirement house project
15.        Invite guests over for dessert, appetizers or a meal

I was able to complete this from last month when I fixed a leak under the kitchen sink:

13.        Complete a small home improvement project kitchen sink (more like a repair, but still counts!) 

I didn't get everything done on my list but I'm happy about the things I did get done.  Hopefully this month I'll get to do more of the fun and creative stuff.

And remember my challenge to you last month?!

Challenge:  Make a list of 10 things you would like to complete in the month of March and share them in the comments.  Next month when I post my April goals I hope you will share how you did and have a new list ready for April.

If you took me on let me know in the comments what your goals were and how you did!

Then let's get busy and we'll see what we all did in about a month.  Don't forget to make a new list for May!!


  1. My list of 10 things was:
    1. Mail a birthday card.
    2. Mail an anniversary card.
    3. Bake a birthday cake for a friend.
    4. Make 10 bookmarks.
    5. Go on a quilt retreat.
    6. Rake leaves.
    7. Cut out a quilt top.
    8. Finish a graduation quilt top.
    9. Start walking.
    10. Clean out a flower bed.
    I don't know how to cross things out but I finished my list. The quilt retreat was Wednesday through Sunday and loads of fun. At the retreat I pieced 2 lap robes and a baby quilt top and passed out the bookmarks I made. (I finished the graduation quilt top and got it to the quilter before we left.) Didn't get to walk as much as I wanted because of the weather but I made a start. All in all it was a good month and I'm pleased with what I accomplished. Now I need to make a list for April. Thanks for the reminder! I seem to get more done with a list.

    1. Wow Claudia! I tip my hat. You did really great! Can't wait to see what happens in April. Happy list making! :)

  2. Does the french drain count as 10? or 20? or 30? or.......? Thud!

  3. 1. Clear away brush, old weeds from backyard flowerbed.
    2. Plant another bed with greens and peas. (I've already done one.)
    3. Paint a room.
    4. Finish and file taxes.
    5. Clear off breakfast bar and another table -- trash, file or donate.
    6. Make a cake.
    7. Clear out office, so I can work in it.
    8. Donate 5-10 bags of STUFF.
    9. Get rid of clothes that don't fit anymore.
    10. Sell at least one item on Craigslist.

    1. That's a great list Cindy. I especially like #6! :)

  4. Update on my March Goals

    1. Cook less food and have less waste. Leftover tidbits slipped to Scooter under the table won't count.

    UPDATE: Done. I did do better at cooking less food. I also did better at buying less groceries. I can now close some of my cupboard doors.

    2. Clean out the pantry in the basement, dust everything, check expiration dates.

    UPDATE: Partly done. I got most of it straightened. Some of it dusted. Almost all of the expiration dates checked. I brought anything about to expire up to the kitchen and have put it into the cabinet right at eye level. It forces me to look at them and try to use them up. It is working.

    3. Move can goods from the upstairs closets (where they were stored in the dark) to the shelves in the basement (where there is now room).

    UPDATE: Nope. Nothing done on this goal. Until I finish dusting the shelves in the basement, I am not moving anything down there.

    4. Continue to inventory, using the computer program you emailed me (thank you very much) so I can see what I need to use up first.

    UPDATE: I have not started typing the numbers into the program yet. I still have more organizing to do but I have a good mental idea on what I have on hand.

    5. Send one bag of stuff to GoodWill. Canned soups with expired dates will not count.

    UPDATE: Done! I got together one bag of stuff and dropped it off. I have already started another bag and it is sitting on the shelf in the basement by the back door waiting to go out.

    UPDATE: Two of my sons came home this weekend (due to my nagging) and I cooked them a meal equivalent to a Thanksgiving feast. All of the meals were from the pantry except for milk, eggs, and cheese. We made frozen meals with the leftovers and it should last them through this month.

    Whew. If I can get half of these things done (that would be 2 1/2 things), I would be pleased.

    UPDATE: I managed to get 2 1/2 things on my list done this month and I am pleased with myself. It may not seem like much to others, but for me, it was quite a bit of work. I DID NOT FAIL!


    This is the story of me sticking my foot in my mouth...again.

  5. You absolutely did not fail! You did great! Progress is always progress. Good job Jeannie!

    1. I forgot to write my goals for this month.
      1. Finish the undone goals from last month.
      2. Get the garden out.
      I think that is quite enough!


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