Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I Suck At Gardening

I give up...

Our good start on our vegetable garden tanked.

I've watched loads of videos on Youtube.  I've read my square foot gardening book and my homesteading books.  I really thought I could do it, but you know what?  I'm just not a gardener. 

I'm not.

Despite all of my very best efforts the strawberry plants died.  Most of our seeds started and then croaked.  We were careful about the lighting, watering, soil and it was just no good.  

I've always said I have a black thumb.

I even told the girls that the next time I get it in my head to plant a garden to tell me "NO!".  I've wasted more than enough time and money trying to be a gardener.

It's okay though, because I've come to terms with it.  I have plenty of other things I actually am good at.  So that is what I will focus my time and efforts on.  And I will continue to admire other far more talented gardeners and their bounty.

After all we can't be good at everything now, can we?

It's all good.


  1. I am not a gardener either but I have succes with plants that survive in spite of my thumb. No sissy plants for me

  2. I hear you, I have a black thumb too. I don't know how my mom can just shove a dead looking stick in the ground, and then boom, it eventually turns into a healthy, beautiful plant! Obviously, I did not inherit the gardening gene ;)

    1. My mom can grow anything too. I definitely did not inherit that gene.

  3. I'm only good if I buy the plant and go from there...lots of local growers of annuals and perennials to choose from...this year I'm starting a bee, bird and butterfly garden...after the last frost...

    1. That sounds really nice Kelley. I hesitate to buy a lot of plants because of our squirrel issue. They don't help me out at all.

  4. I wonder if your newly planted strawberry plants root froze? I have not had much luck with plants started ahead of time indoors from seed. I try to do everything right too but the growth is stunted or they die. I have much better luck planting seeds directly in the garden and buying plants that have a longer time frame before they can be harvested.

  5. The strawberry plants were potted and indoors. I think I got some bad soil. I bought it at dollar tree, but it sprouted mushrooms and mold. That's what I get for buying cheap dirt I guess.

  6. It is ok. I am not a good gardener either. I just keep planting seeds and EVENTUALLY something grows. I too have had 100% failure, repeatedly. The secret (which I have not learned yet) is to crop your pictures and tell no one. Only put the edited pictures on the internet. It is called social media (fantasy) for a reason. Your only "problem" is that you tell the truth.

    I haven't planted one seed yet this year. You are still way ahead of me and I am south of you.

    You are doing fine. Really! Just don't give up.


    1. Ugh, I swear sometimes I have the blackest thumb ever. Right now I'm hell bent on killing my house plants. Maybe I love them to death. Ha, ha.


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