Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Knifty Knitter

I am not a great knitter, simply for the fact that I've never really learned much past the basic knit and purl stitches.  I have a heck of a time reading and understanding patterns, both for knitting or crocheting, so I've never really pursued it and tried to be good at it.  What I did invest in several years ago was a very colorful set of knitting looms because, for whatever reason, using these makes sense to me.

I have both the round set and the long set and so far the only ones I've use are the round ones.  I'd like to be using them on a regular basis, but time seems to be a factor here.  I run out of it and I have so many other projects going on.  I really want to use these more because I've discovered so many things you can make with these things.

I have yet to use these 😐

Last winter when I was down with my back I spent some of my recovery time researching knitting and crochet projects on Youtube, including using knitting looms.  

Did you know you can make socks with these looms?  I had no idea, but I really want to make some socks.  And the best part is there are a ton of videos on Youtube showing me how to make them so no patterns or instructions for me to try to read.  Pinterest is also loaded with ideas too, but again, it all boils down to time. (sigh)

How cute is this?!  Sadly the link led to the wrong instructions
I'll figure out where to get them though 😃
Hats are the things I've made the most and my girls have made scarves with them.  I usually crochet scarves, but I'd like to knit some.  I also want to make sweaters, shrugs, ponchos, blankets, I have a huge list.

This is super cute - click here to get to a neat blog about Knitting With Looms
My hope now is to spend some time creating and completing some knitted projects in the next few years and learning to make things I have never made before.  Who knows, maybe someday I'll master reading and understanding those silly patterns.

I think Laverne has room for this

Needless to say, along with my sewing supplies and machine I'll be leaving some space to put my looms and some yarn into the motorhome.  I'll also add my knitting needles and crochet hooks and I'm pretty sure I'll have room to take my vintage standing knitting bag along.  It isn't very big and I found it on eBay last year.  I love it.


  1. That issue of time is a biggy for us working moms. I dream of the quilts I want to make but the fact is it takes me a couple of months due to the fact my time is so limited - single mom, two teens, two jobs, two hour daily commute and I just don't have a lot of free time. Then there is the household things that need to be done plus feeding us. We make it work but it feels like a victory if I get in 15 minutes of sewing a day. But even 15 minutes adds up! :) so I cheerfully move on hoping to get in my 15 minutes today. I would love to learn to knit too some day. I just love all the fiber arts.

    1. I have a feeling that when "someday" arrives we'll miss our busyness. At least a little bit.

      Maybe not... ;)

  2. A dear friend had some of those looms and makes the cutest hats and even baby buntings with them. :) I'd love to see how socks turn out if you make some. That is something that I would love to learn to make, but like you, following patterns and written instructions are hard. Heckm who am I kidding, I can't knit to save my life. haha!

    1. I get lost immediately and forget where I'm at so it has to be videos for me I think. Maybe some day I'll figure those patterns out.

  3. My aunt makes hats from the round looms and they are so cute on her. My 'someday' is here and I just can't seem to get motivated... I think I accomplished more when I was working!!

    1. I totally get that. I've enjoyed making hats, but haven't done much else.


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