Monday, July 16, 2018

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday morning I was up at 7:30.  I got dressed and headed out to do my weekly grocery shop coming in at just under $20.  I got everything on my list and a couple extra items as well so I was quite pleased.

We took a break from our home improvement projects to tackle a job that was on the list for the beginning of June.  That was the big annual purge of the girl's bedrooms and school stuff.  We put an almost two foot stack of paper into the recycle bin by the time all was said and done, plus a lot of other items too.  We also filled up a couple bags of clothes and other items to donate to the thrift store.  I was really proud of my girls as they went through everything they owned and made sound decisions about their stuff.

Here is a sneak peek

Monday morning I was back to work after a five day break.  I really enjoyed my time at home working on my various projects, but I was also kind of glad to get back to my new job.  I think I needed the rest, ha, ha!  I don't think I truly know the meaning of a vacation.

Tuesday morning I was up and at it getting my chores done first thing, packing my lunch and watering the lawn before I headed out.  When I got home I worked a bit on one of my projects I had in the works and I'm happy to report I got it finished!  Stay tuned for a post tomorrow all about that.  Eeeeeee!

Wednesday morning I redeemed some rewards points I'd accumulated for another $25 Home Depot gift card.  It should arrive in about a week or so.  In the meantime I have another gift card to use that was given to me for Christmas about two years ago.  I've been saving it for something big and in the next few weeks you'll find out what I mean by that.

Friday the youngest and I got started on the next "small" home improvement project as soon as I got home from work.  We were joined by the oldest when she got home from work.  She quickly changed clothes and got right to it, giving us a hand.  We made some serious progress on some demolition work.  What, you say?  ...   You heard me.

You have to know that Saturday we were back at it with our latest project.  I ordered some supplies online and then we headed to Home Depot with a list and that Christmas gift card to pick up our largest supply haul yet.  Along the way we stopped off at Albertson's to drop off our glass recycling at the big collection bin and then the thrift store to drop off the donations from purging the girl's rooms on Sunday.  We made that trip count!

I did much better grocery shopping last week.  I went to Fred Meyer with a list and some digital coupons and skated out of there at just $18.50 for the week.  Yessss!

I added a bit of water to an empty fabric softener bottle, gave it a good shake and had enough softener to use for another load.  I also stuck a soap sliver to a new bar in the shower so we will easily be able to use it all up without it slipping down the drain.

I composted coffee grounds, egg shells, onion skins and celery trimmings.

I repaired my youngest daughter's dresser drawer.

I trimmed my oldest daughter's bangs.

How was your thrifty week?


  1. What a great week! Your grocery trip was fantastic. I'm about to go grocery shopping today for the first time in two weeks, and we actually don't need too much. I don't think I'll do quite as well as you, though! ;)

    1. I hit just the right sales and markdowns last week. It really worked out well.

  2. I don't even know what to say to this, you and your daughters are just fantastic. Inspiration overload!


  3. You put me to shame with all you get done! I love seeing the deals you get also. Our deals up here are not as good as your's but I'll take what I can get. :)

    1. I will admit I'm pretty darn lucky with the grocery deals here.

      BTW, I could hardly move this morning when I got up. LOL

  4. Glad you "rested" during your "vacation". I am intrigued about the project and will be looking for it tomorrow.

    1. It was a great "vacation". I got done exactly what I had hoped to, but didn't work too hard and wear myself out. Love, love, love how it all turned out.


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