Monday, July 23, 2018

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday morning I was a little stiff and sore after pulling up carpeting, scraping floors, painting the living room ceiling, running to Home Depot for supplies, reinforcing and painting the floor (my girls actually painted 95% of the floor), digging through the garage for trim and lumber, and the list goes on and on.  So that morning I chilled out with hot coffee and my laptop for awhile as my girls slept in.  Then we were back at it working on our next project, which we got 75% done.

Monday was my busiest day of the week.  After work I had to stop and pick up my oldest daughter's new eyeglasses, then off to Home Depot to pick up a couple items for my next planned project, then to Winco for groceries (I was too tired to do it on Sunday) and Dollar Tree to pick up a birthday card for my aunt.  I'd planned to make her card this year, but all of my craft supplies are currently put away until we finish our current set of projects.

When I got home I put away the groceries and smeared some grout around so I was able to get my latest project 100% completed.  I can hardly wait to show you the finished product on Thursday.  Whooo hoooo!!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings I was onto my next project to put up some trim in the living room.  The door trim gave me fits, but over the course of those three days I persevered and figured it out.  Looking good!

I received a $5 OFF $25 Purchase coupon in the mail from Albertsons and our neighbor gave us hers.  That will allow me to get an extra $5 in groceries and still stick to my budget of $20 per week!

Friday morning before I left for work I caulked all of the trim.  Friday evening I got it all painted.  I also did a little online Christmas shopping and purchased 3 gifts on clearance plus 20% OFF at Bath & Body Works.  I spent less than $20 and even got me a new foaming handsoap for the kitchen to replace the one we wore out.  After it is empty I plan to refill it with homemade soap solution like I do the ones in our bathrooms.  Last week I made some foaming handsoap solution using shower gel to refill the downstairs bathroom dispenser.

I added some extra blow foam insulation while I was at it

Saturday we took time off from projects and enjoyed time spent with family and friends.  It was a well deserved break!

In the morning the oldest and I went to Albertsons to use one of our $5 OFF $25 Purchase coupons.  We picked up eight spiral notebooks for 19¢ each and an extra package of notebook paper for 58¢.  That was all of the school supplies we needed.  We also purchased some pet supplies for the kitties in order to meet the $25 to use the coupon.

Albertson's haul - free eggs, butter and buns!

I still had $6 left to spend on groceries, but I also had some rewards points to use that were about to expire.  I redeemed those points for FREE groceries and ended up with a pound of butter, a dozen eggs, a package of hamburger buns and a package of hotdog buns!  Even still I came in under my $20 and only ended up spending $18.77.  Unbelievable!

I picked lettuce, radishes and spinach out of our garden to make a salad.  First time I have ever done that.  Usually I'm not that successful with my gardens.

Trim is all caulked and painted

A friend of ours gave us some zucchini and a yellow squash.  I have plans for those puppies.  Yum!

I cut the top out of a gallon milk jug to make a new compost collection bin to keep under the kitchen sink.  I recycled the old one.

How was your thrifty week?


  1. Wow, you did great grocery shopping! It's always so nice when we can get so much good food for not a lot of money. And congratulations on harvesting from your garden!!! It's our first year and we've already been able to harvest some basil and a few peas. Soon we'll have what appears to be a million tomatoes.

    Can't wait to see your new project!

    1. Thank Stephanie. I've got peas coming on, no tomatoes yet as I got a late start on those. Check back tomorrow to see what we've been up to. :)

  2. I have the bullseye corner blocks on my doors and windows and wide trim. I love yours and mine.

  3. Yeah for the garden!!!!! I knew you could do it. Doesn't it feel good to eat food you grew?


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