Wednesday, July 18, 2018


I posted this on my other blog, but I felt it was important enough to share with all of you.

The average American consumes more sugar in their daily diet than ever before in the history of human kind.  Sugar in our diet is becoming a serious problem, but not the only problem.  Corn syrup and sweeteners are added to foods you wouldn't expect and as a result we are consuming more of that sweet stuff than we even realize.

Sugars affect our bodies in ways most people don't even know about.  Most of us know that diabetes is linked to the overconsumption of sugar, but did you know it is also linked to heart disease and cancer?  Did you know that sugar actually feeds cancer cells?  It also causes inflammation, triggering migraines and auto immune issues.  There are so many things that consuming sugars does to the body, it is mind boggling.  And don't think that by consuming sugar substitutes that you are out of the woods, because you're not.  Our bodies can't always tell the difference.

As a nation we are the fattest and unhealthiest we have ever been and it is getting worse.  80% of the population is overweight.  Don't believe me?  Just look around.  And despite all that we know and all that we can do for healthcare we continue to get fatter and unhealthier.  Why is that?  Why aren't we healthier?  Why are so many health issues and diseases running rampant!

Simply because we don't eat right and we don't take care of ourselves.  And until we do it won't matter how many doctors, clinics or hospitals we have.  It won't matter what kind of medications we come up with.  We, as a nation, need to become responsible and stop eating all of the garbage, get off of our butts and start doing the right thing.

Want to know more about how sugar affects your body?  Research it!  You can start right here.  And in the meantime pledge to stop eating the stuff.  Read those food labels.  Quit going after the sweet stuff.  Really pay attention to what you put in your mouth.  And start getting healthier.

Being sick and unhealthy really sucks.  And it doesn't get any easier as we get older.  But fortunately it isn't too late to change and start doing better.  You can turn things around.  You just have to do it.

Here's to a healthier life!  Cutting back on the amount of sugar you consume will dramatically improve your life.


  1. I'm working on it - and it is HARD. How did you handle it? I know it was part of your keto switch, but do you know if the sugar was a particular part of it?

    - Molly

    1. I had a crazy sweet tooth, but after a week on keto that seemed to go away. I found that making a few sugar free desserts and some fat bombs helps to ease out of the sugar. As time has gone on I want it less and less.

  2. I'm very careful as to how much sugar I consume, and for my kids as well (I've had to point out how many teaspoons of sugar are in some of the stuff my husband has given my daughter before, too; fortunately, he was appropriately horrified!). I too have found that the less I consume of it, the less I want it. That was a pleasant surprise for me one Halloween, when I sat looking at my son's candy stash and didn't want any of it!

    1. Good for you Stephanie. Where I work there is a constant parade of cookies, cupcakes and loads of donuts. I pass them by so much easier now.

  3. I've always had a real sweet tooth, but what's helped the most is just to avoid treats/dessert. When I eat those things, I constantly want more. When you don't, the cravings diminish quite substantially. I find that drinking hot tea when I'm having a craving helps quite a bit, or substituting for a piece of fruit

    1. Those are two really good substitutes. I like a little bit of 90% cocoa chocolate every once in a while. I'm surprised now that I like it.

  4. I don't disagree with this about sugar but I think it is more than just sugar. Many of the prescription meds we take that are given by doctors, including antibiotics, can affect weight. My daughter's doctor just told her they now know that antibiotics can cause weight gain but they don't know how to reverse it. Just saying... Pam

    1. That's terrible Pam. I had no idea that they did that. Wow.

  5. A store ad listed 4 lbs of sugar for $2.79. That should cut down on consumption! That price is so exorbitant that it must be wrong. I have enough sugar to last me a lifetime in fruit jars from a sale years ago. I rarely bake now.

    1. I bought a 4# bag a couple months ago and haven't opened it. I thought it would be nice to have for the girls to bake cookies or something, but they haven't been craving the sweets as much either. I think that is progress. :)


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