Monday, August 27, 2018

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday morning I was up and at it.  First up was to get my Sunday chores done and the laundry started.  After that it was to put in a full day of work on my stairway project and I made some significant progress.  While I did that the girls made a double batch of biscuits and gravy for breakfast so they would have plenty of leftovers during the week.  They also folded the laundry for me.

Monday was the first day back to school.  And the beginning of the rat race that becomes my life during the school year.  Last week's meal plans should help me to save some time and at least get dinner on the table in a decent amount of time.  It is also a big stress reliever not to have to worry each day about what I'm going to prepare.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday both girls had practices to be picked up from after school.  My youngest actually had a football game on Tuesday.  I used my time in the mornings before work to get my daily chores done and to meal prep as needed.  With my new work schedule that extra hour in the mornings has come in very handy.

After work on Friday I did a little Christmas shopping at ShopKo.  I had received a $10 OFF $30 Purchase coupon that they had emailed me which worked perfectly for some things I had in mind for my girls.  I printed it off on a sheet of scrap paper, tucked it in my purse and off I went.

When I got home the girls and I mowed and trimmed the yard and I went out back with the weed eater and got things spruced up back there.  We also cleaned up our construction site, organized the leftover and usable wood scraps in the garage, dumped a bucket of smaller scraps into our wood crate for our firepot, filled up our garbage bin with trash and our recycle bin with cardboard for the next scheduled pick up.

Early Saturday morning I dropped my oldest off at her school to take a test.  While she did that I headed off to Walmart to do some more Christmas shopping and pick up a few other items on my list.  I also hit the dollar store on the way home and found some items for a fun project I plan to do for fall.

I did my grocery shopping at Winco so I could fill in some of the gaps in our pantry.  I used some of my found money from last week to pay the bill.  That was pretty fantastic.

When I picked my daughter up after her test we headed to the mall for some bra shopping at JC Penney.  I used my store card to pay in order to take advantage an additional 20% discount offer.  I was able to get her two really nice bras that were on sale plus the discount for only $25.  They were regularly priced at $32 each so I was pretty happy with the final price.  And I won't need to pay for them until next month, which I will, in full, so I don't accrue any interest fees.

Gratuitous  bunny pic

Our Saturday supper was a buffet of leftovers I pulled out of the refrigerator to reheat.  We cleaned those all up and kept our food waste to a minimum.

We fed loads of extra produce, bread and kitchen scraps to our chickens.

Last week's harvest
I gave that carrot to Daisy and she LOVED it!

I harvested some veggies from our little garden patch.  The squirrels made quick work of stripping all the pears and apples from the trees.  Little buggers!

How was your thrifty week?


  1. Squeeeeeeeeeeee, gratuitous bunny pic! So adorable!

    Sounds like a good week! :)

  2. Beautiful bunny! I usually shop JCPenney with my card too.... such great savings and rewards if we pay it off in full each month.

  3. Sounds like a very productive weekend. We are finishing the summer with a Labor Day weekend party at the lake place and then we launch full speed ahead into wedding prep.

    1. Enjoy your weekend Anne. You are going to be busy with that wedding. :0)


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