Thursday, September 6, 2018

Crazy Quilt Table Matte

Last winter I pulled out a plastic grocery bag full of fabric scraps I'd collected from various sewing projects I'd completed.  After going through them and separating ones that would go together I had enough fall inspired pieces to make a little crazy quilt project.

I stitched a lot of those pieces together and then, like most of my sewing plans, it got sidelined as I got busy with other projects and activities.  Over Labor Day weekend I decided it was time to complete this project.  And I did!

This is only my second crazy quilt project I've ever done.  The first was one I made into a pillow.  And now this one.  I made it into a table matte that measures 10" X 17”.  I backed it with a piece of the same brown fabric (I had the most of that leftover) and the binding was done with 1 1/2" strips of the green check.  The batting I had leftover from a quilt I'd made.  I quilted it by using a variety of decorative stitches along all of the seams with brown thread.  That was a lot of fun.

I love that pumpkin fabric.  I had bought it at JoAnns a couple years ago to make hanging dish towels with.  All of the odd shaped leftover pieces from cutting those out ended up in this project.

I made the matte small enough to use in my motorhome sometime in the future, but for now I am going to enjoy it in my kitchen.  I think it turned out to be just adorable.  I absolutely love it!

I had one more piece of that darling pumpkin fabric left and it was the perfect size to cut out and make a candle matte.  I backed it with the same brown fabric I backed the table matte and trimmed it with some ruffled trim I had in my stash.  I also added a cute little orange bow.

Definitely a great way to used up some scraps I'd say.  What do you think?


  1. I love them! You did a great job! Scrap management is hard! They multiply if you don't watch them carefully. :)

    I started a new quilt project over labor day too! I am excited about it. It will be a wall size/baby size when I am done but I am using it to test some new techniques. Of course it is churning out scraps....

    1. LOL. I agree. Scraps are like Tribbles. But I just hate to toss them out.

      I'll bet your quilt is going to be really nice. I hope you send me a picture. :)

  2. Is there nothing you can't do??? You seriously need to teach a All The Things You'll Ever Need To Know class!!!! I'm so impressed. These are gorgeous! :) Once I get a chance, I'm going to pull my sewing machine out, but I have a bunch of other stuff I need to get to first. The days seriously need to have way more hours...

    1. Ha! I'm sure there are loads of things. I agree, the days are way too short!

  3. I never thought of making a candle mat. I usually just set them on a placemat. I am going to get busy making some holiday mats! Thanks for the ideas.

    1. I used to use my potholders and then I thought, hmmm. I think these are much nice than an old pot holder.

  4. I love to use scraps for small, cute, and useful items. Love the crazy mat.


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