Friday, September 6, 2019

How Much Did The Main Bathroom Project Cost?

This was another one of our projects that we had very little time to complete and no money.  For the past year I'd been looking at the walls of our main bathroom knowing I should have painted in that room years ago.  Now that it is finished I wonder why, like a lot of things, it took me so long to get in there and get it done.  But that is just how life works sometimes and now that it is complete I'm really happy with the results.  Definitely worth the wait.

The majority of this renovation was focused in two areas.  First up was our vanity which I painted with paint I'd purchased a few years ago when I did the vanity in our downstairs bathroom.  It was a sample of paint I'd purchased for $2.94 along with a box of 8 knobs I'd bought from Amazon for $10.96 making them a steal at just $1.37 each.  They were $3.99 a piece at Home Depot at the time so a huge savings here.

I installed self adhesive vinyl floor tiles to the bottom of the cabinet in order to clean it up and make it easier to keep it that way.  The tiles were a bargain at just 67¢ each.  I bought 8 of them and I still have one left to use when I do the same thing to the downstairs bathroom vanity.  I used a Home Depot gift card to pay for the tiles so this vanity upgrade was literally a no cost project.

The next big thing we did in there was to add new trim along the ceiling and wainscot the wall.  I had used a Visa gift card at Lowes to purchase two contractor's packs of trim and after completing the master bedroom I still had one piece left plus a full pack along with some leftover pieces.  I purchased five corner trim pieces plus used three full trim pieces and some leftover pieces to complete the trim along.  I used my gift card at Lowes to pay for the corner trim.

The wainscot wall was completely done with the textured wallpaper we had leftover after completing our entry way and dining room renovations.  I pulled the chair rail trim out of my stash in the garage.  It was from the FREE WOOD bin.  Wainscoting the wall was another no cost project.

We picked up a gallon of paint at Home Depot and a couple supplies and gave the walls and ceiling two good coats of paint.  The paint was $36.98 and I used a gift card to cover those expenses as well.

A can of spray paint updated our robe hook, two towel bars and the toilet paper holder and I bought a new drywall mounting kit to reinstall them.  Again the paint and mounting kit was purchased with a Home Depot gift card.

Lastly I switched out our old shower head for a new dual spa set that we absolutely love.  This was definitely a splurge item and I'm really glad I did it.  I picked it up at Bed Bath & Beyond on sale for $39.99 and used a $10 OFF coupon they had sent me in the mail to drop the price even lower.

I decorated the room with our same towels, shower curtain and bath mat as well as a few other items from around the house.  No additional money spent there and I'm completely happy with that.  I wasn't feeling the urge to change the decor anyway.  Just freshen things up and make some improvements, which I think I did quite nicely.

I sure can't complain about the cost to complete this project!


  1. The value of sweat equity. Priceless. Great job keeping those dollars in your bank.

    1. Thanks Connie. I was amazed at how well we did on this project. Freed up our cash for areas that need a little more TLC.

  2. Well I'm impressed!

    We need to do something about the floor in our main bathroom. The builders did not level the sub-floor and one piece of plywood is higher than the others. It has caused the linoleum to split along the line. Looks like three by four foot rectangle rip in the middle of the floor. Do you think the peel off linoleum would stick to a floor with high traffic? How has yours done under your sinks? Does it stick tight when you put it down?

    I don't want to hire someone to rip up the whole floor. I just want to be cheap and cover over the problem.


    1. Boy, I sure would try it. Couldn't hurt. They are super sticky and you can always use adhesive if you aren't sure. I'd try to screw down or even plane the uneven area first and then tile over it with the vinyl squares. Nice thing is if it wears out you just pull it up and replace it. Buy a few extras to keep on hand.

    2. Just read your post to my husband and he said, "We won't know what we will find until we tear into it."

      He's right. It's always worse than what you imagined, takes longer to do than expected, and costs more than you budgeted.


      I think I will tackle something easier and work up more courage.


    3. I should just come over and give you a hand! If I lived closer I totally would. Demolition is the best part!

    4. I just checked the map. Google says it is only 2,000 miles to my house and you can drive it in 28 hours. Start now and I will have the sledge hammer and breakfast ready when you get here.

    5. On my way! You had me at sledge hammer!! LOLOL

  3. Doesn't it feel fantastic to tackle a project and not have to spend gobs of money? You did great and you are teaching your girls valuable skills.


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