Friday, February 21, 2020

Quality In Our Everyday Life

I think it is important to strive for quality in our lives on a daily basis.  As part of my continuing endeavor to live my life with purpose and intention I feel a great part of that is to improve the quality of my life.  One day at a time.

For each of us, what defines quality of life is very different, very personal.  It can be to live without pain or illness, better living conditions, improved relationships or even more basic and fundamental.  For me, it is all about comfort.

I seek comfort in my surroundings, in my job, in my thoughts and actions, in my goals and practices.  I find that simplicity in life is a large part of feeling comfortable.  It took me a long time to figure this out, but by simplifying my life I finally found the calm and peacefulness I'd been seeking.  And then I felt comfortable.

The practice of simplifying my life has benefited me in so many ways and has led me to the point where I feel I have true quality of life.  I find my simple pleasures are more than enough to sustain me.  I find joy in everyday living.  I'm happy on a regular basis.  Life is good.  Every day.

Improving the quality of our lives begins with a single step.  Make something better.  Anything.  This year I chose to introduce fresh flowers into our home on a regular basis.  We all appreciate how them.  While right now everything outside is dormant, gray, muddy and cold, inside of our home we have a little bit of color and scent.  Along with that I enjoy burning a candle.  Adding the warmth and light of a candle adds to our quality of life.

In small increments I've improved our decor, decluttered the items we no longer want or need, fixed up our home, kept a tidy house, cooked better meals, bought more fresh produce, drank more water, purchased more varieties of tea and coffee, taken more time to talk to my girls, taken more time to spend with our pets, taken more time for just me.

I think more, I plan more, I contemplate more, I write more.  I listen to music, I laugh a lot, I don't take things too seriously or myself either for that matter.  I feel good, I'm healthy, I'm happier, more content, more comfortable.  Every day I choose to improve and enjoy the quality of my life.  Every day I have something wonderful to look forward to.


  1. I love this! I used to buy things senselessly to fill a void. No more. The
    Simple things bring so much enjoyment and a peace that says all is well.
    I regret that I realized this so much later in life.

  2. Cpettus said it will. I am grateful we learned this before 40. At 58, life is fabulous!

    If we aren't happy today, how can we expect to be happy tomorrow!?

  3. Like you, I agree that quality it many, many things is something we can strive for. I try to focus my efforts on having good quality surroundings and personal relationships. This means I spend a lot of time maintaining my home. I find we are much happier with pleasant surroundings.

    1. I spend a lot of time on my home as well. Pleasant surroundings really do make you feel happier and peaceful too.

  4. Hi Lambie,
    That is such an inspirational post. Thank you so much: I needed this wisdom today.
    Big hug,
    Heloise XXX

    1. Hello my dear! I'm so glad this post was inspiring for you.


  5. The most important thing in my life is having no clutter, buying mindfully and making sure that all my food is of the highest organic and biodynamic quality. What we put into our bodies is really the only thing that nobody can ever take away from us.

  6. That's a great life goal! I'm working on so many of these things myself. Always a work in progress.

    1. That is wonderful. Every day we just keep trying to improve. :o)

  7. Every morning when I get up, I say, "Today is going to be a great day." While not perfect, I work on improvements to my daily routine. Flossing more often, eating more salad, doing more yoga, meditating, etc.

    1. Oh my gosh I do the same thing each morning! :)

      It is amazing how small improvements can make such a big difference.


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