Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Fleet (Vehicle) Management

Managing vehicles can be a process, especially if you have more than one.  Currently we have four at our house.  I have my car and my truck as well as an RV.  All vehicles need to be cared for and maintained if you want them to last and it can be expensive if you don't plan ahead.  In the coming months I'll be going over some of the areas we tackle when it comes to using and caring for our vehicles.

I have plenty of projects coming up with regards to Vehicle Management and so does my oldest.  We both have a vested interest in our fleet and want to make sure we are protecting those interests to the best of our abilities.

Automobiles can be incredibly expensive so the more we can do to keep them up and protect them the better off we will be.  Regardless of the age of your vehicle there are a lot of things you can do to keep them running well.  I was taught early on that if you take care of your car it will take care of you.  I've found that to be sound advice and it has held true.

I know for some people this is not a very exciting subject, but it is an important one.  I hope you'll stick with me anyway.


  1. This is an important subject unless you like spending money on repairs or even another car. I try to keep my car maintained although I am not hands-on like you are.

    1. It can be intimidating too, but definitely worth persuing.


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