Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Revisiting An Old Post - Berry Syrup


I make my own pancake syrups, have for many, many years.  Our favorite syrup is the one I make with Mapeline flavoring which is found in the spice and extract section of your grocery store.  A bottle of that lasts us a very long time so it is a thrifty way for us to have plenty of pancake syrup.


Pancake Syrup 

1 cup water

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 tsp. Mapeline flavoring 

In a medium saucepan combine water and sugars.  Bring to a boil, boil for one minute and remove from heat.  Stir in flavoring.


I like the richer flavor that comes from using brown sugar, but if you don't buy or have brown sugar you can substitute a cup of granulated sugar plus a tablespoon of dark molasses which is what I do.  I rarely buy brown sugar anymore because we don't use it up before it becomes hard as a brick.  If your sugar does get hard though you can soften it overnight by adding a slice of bread to the bag or container.


I keep our syrup in a glass Snapple bottle which is the perfect size for this particular recipe.  I also make my own berry syrups using fresh or frozen blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or strawberries.  To find the recipe for that click here.




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