Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Another Great Prepper Pantry Haul


I've been fortunate to be able to fill in some of the areas we aren't as strong in our long term food storage.  Last week I went to the grocery outlet and was able to get some good items like pastas and even some sauces.  I added a couple more breakfast foods as well as spices.


Salad dressings, pesto, and a few more baking items rounded out this shop quite nicely.  My biggest reason to go, however was to find a good price on some olive oil, which I did.  $7.99 for a 34 ounce bottle.


Have you been stocking up on anything in particular?


  1. I just buy bogo, sales, closeouts, and use coupons. The thing I have focused on is green beans. You bought lots of good foodstuffs!

  2. Love your haul. Be sure to test your olive oil. Put about 1/4 cup in the freezer and any of it freezes then it has been adulterated by other oils. I saw this on a consumer report and I have had several name brands do this.

    1. I pretty much think all of the affordable ones will do this.

  3. If you need canning lids I was at Federal Way FM. They had dozens of Kerr regular size this morning $4.79/box. I haven't found any in town for over 2 years!

  4. You get the best deals. Are you still staying at $100 or less a month?

    1. So far coming in under budget. It takes some creativity!

  5. Pastas are one I always try to keep stocked up on. It's so good for so many versatile meals.

    We've had some good sales on olive oil lately, so I've stocked up on that as well. I'll use vegetable oil for cooking in a pinch, but I much prefer olive (and I always keep vegetable around as well for baking- my husband does blacksmithing and needs to quench his creations in oil, so I could always grab some from his stash if I needed to, haha!). I'm hoping to see another sale on canned olives soon, too. I love those things!

    1. Olive oil is my preference too. I did score a big jug of vegetable oil last week and a 10# bag of penne pasta that I put away in the prepper pantry. That should last us a good while. :o)


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