Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

We made Sunday a pajama day and enjoyed a delicious pasta meal while Family Movie Nite became more of an afternoon spent with a Jason Bourne marathon.  We watched the three DVDs from our personal collection. 

I read one of the books I picked up at the thrift store awhile back for 25¢.  My children read books they had checked out at the library. 

I listed more items and sold some things eBay.  In fact, it was a very good week. 

I began some serious Christmas planning and preparation as there is only three months left in which to do so.  Only three months! 

Once again I clipped coupons from the Sunday circulars given to me by a friend.  I also went online and printed off 9 coupons from 

I watched a couple TV programs on Amazon and the new episode of Castle on Hulu.  I also watched a comedy show on YouTube which was good for a lot of laughs.  The girls enjoyed watching funny cat videos on You Tube and a movie on Amazon. 

I watched an instructional video on YouTube on how to best flush our black water tank on our RV. 

I purchased a cordless electric kettle so I can make my morning coffee and brew my tea, now that the weather is changing.  It will help me save on propane. 

I purchased a new oil filled radiator for our RV to help keep us warm.  Energy efficient and safe to run. 

I did not do any grocery shopping this week.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Why I Chose This Car

1996 Mercedes Benz C220
Who wouldn't want to own and drive a Mercedes Benz if they had the opportunity?  A lot of people would and some could really care less.  I've always hoped that someday I might have the opportunity and I discovered it wasn't as far from my reach as I once thought. 

German engineering coupled with a little bit of luxury and their fine reputation for a standard of excellence has been quite a draw for me.  Plus, I like the looks of the car.  Buying a brand new Benz wasn't an option for me nor was it particularly what I wanted.  I knew I'd be happy with a really nice used car. 

This one had everything I was looking for: 

·         Excellent condition with no body damage.  Glass is intact.
·         The interior is intact, in good condition and no odors.
·         Leather seats with seat warmers.  Love that!
·         It is the color I wanted.
·         Low mileage for its age.
·         It came with all its service records and has been very well taken care of.
·         New set of tires.
·         The price was right. 

There are benefits to buying an older car: 

·         Lower price to begin with.  No car payments.
·         Less expensive to insure.
·         Less expensive to license.

It took me awhile to locate this car.  I had to look at and test drive a lot of icky cars before I found this one which only made me appreciate it that much more.  But I knew as soon as I made my first test drive that this was the one for me.  Of course, it always helps too when your mechanic tells you it’s a nice car. 
Unlike with my truck, I didn't wait fifteen years to upgrade the stereo.  I took care of that on Tuesday.  Very happy about that too, thanks to a certain someone who nudged me to make this purchase in the first place.

I may have had to wait a long time to own my first luxury automobile but in the long run I think it was worth the wait.  It definitely made all the crappy stuff I went through this summer seem far less important as well.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mushroom Fettuccine Alfredo

Keeping meals simple and affordable, yet tasty is my mantra these days.  This recipe certainly fits the bill.  It is also perfect for company. 

Mushroom Fettuccine Alfredo 

1 pound fettuccine or other pasta, cooked and drained
6 to 8 mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 Tbs. butter
1 Tbs. olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp. dried basil
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup grated parmesan 

In the same pot you cooked your pasta in melt butter and add olive oil.  Saute mushrooms with garlic and basil.  Do not burn your garlic.  Once mushrooms have cooked down add cream and parmesan.  Stir continuously until sauce begins to bubble.  Remove from heat.  Toss in pasta and serve immediately. 

I like to change it up by using Farfalle or other fun shaped pastas from time to time in place of the standard fettuccine pasta. 

This recipe makes a wonderful no meat main dish paired with a nice tossed green salad and a crunchy baguette or as a side dish with nicely grilled steak.  Add a nice glass of wine, if you like to, make it a very special meal. 

You may also enjoy revisiting Keeping Pasta Interesting.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Next Week's Meal Plan

Even with a tiny kitchen I can whip up a great meal.  Nothing is better than sitting down together as a family to eat a nourishing and delicious dinner.  So this what I have planned for our dining pleasure next week. 

Sunday – Lemon Chicken, Pesto Orzo, Steamed Broccoli
Monday – Clam Chowder & Garlic Cheese Biscuits, Garden Salad
Tuesday – Tacos, Lettuce & Tomatoes, Salsa
Wednesday – Waffles, Scrambled Eggs, Fruit
Thursday – Pan Fried Noodles, Veggies
Friday – Fried Rice & Egg Rolls
Saturday – Leftover Buffet or Dine Out 

School Lunches: 

Monday: - PBJ Sandwich
Tuesday - Soup & Biscuit
Wednesday - Taco Melt
Thursday - Bologna Sandwich
Friday - Pan Fried Noodles 

I based this plan off of items I already had on hand and items on sale at the local grocery store.  School lunches also include sides and a beverage 

What delicious things are you fixing for supper this week?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Have A New Car!

Well, not brand new but new to me anyway.  Let me start by saying buying this car was not a sudden decision.  I am always looking at cars.  I just needed to get to the point of being okay with actually making the purchase.  I thank my friend for his advice and the nudge to get me thinking and bringing a lot of things into perspective. 

I had decided after selling our five year old Scion, actually long before I even put it up for sale come to think of it, that I'd probably find a nice older car to have as a backup vehicle.  You know, run to the grocery store and do errands with and maybe be good for my oldest to drive when she is in driver's ed.  I had planned to make this purchase once we were settled in Arizona. 

I had set aside X amount of dollars to make this purchase.  My plan was to find a basic used four door sedan with low miles that I could pay cash for.  I also wanted it to be inexpensive to maintain, license, and insure.  I then changed my mind.  Really good gas mileage would be nice as well.  In other words fairly cheap all the way around. 

That's the problem - cheap.  I don't even like that word and it isn't how I like to live  Thrifty is one thing but to me cheap is a whole different ballgame. 

Sometimes it just takes an outsider to point out the obvious.  Even if you already know it.  After much thought and a few discussions with a friend I was able to reel in all my different thoughts and ideas and this is what I decided to do. 

I decided I wanted more than just a basic commuter car and to get something I really wanted.  Something that I loved and made me feel really good while I was driving it.  Something a little more special.  At this stage in my life I've earned that.

I'll post later this week on why this purchase made sense and why I was finally okay with it.  For now I will admit to complete car love and to getting a thrill driving to the grocery store or anywhere for that matter.  My little heart swells every time I look out the door and see her sitting in my driveway. 

I'm not looking for status or to keep up with the Jones.  I just wanted what I wanted.  When I found this girl I knew she was the one for me.  When I test drove it, not once, but twice, it felt like my car.  I felt good about buying this car.

The best part is it cost me less than the amount I had set aside to buy a car.  I have all the service records from the previous owners.  This car has been well maintained and taken care of.  The interior is in wonderful condition and she still looks like new both inside and out.  It has a brand new set of tires on it.  All the glass is intact.  It's the color I wanted. 

I don't drive a huge amount and therefore I don't put a lot of miles on my cars (My 1997 truck has under 70,000 miles on it right now) therefore a used car is a good option.  This car should last me quite awhile. 

Best of all I'm really, really happy with it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

I clipped coupons from the Sunday circulars given to me by a friend once again.  I love that she saves them for me. 

When I purchased our RV I received a free three year Sam's Club membership.  As part of the membership I get a discount on all future purchases at Camping World.  Wednesday I filled our 7 gallon propane tank for $1.99 a gallon with my discount.  Regular rate on propane right now is averaging $3.89.  Huge savings!  We use one tank a month to cook and run our hot water heater so about $12 a month.  I can certainly live with that. 

I did quite a bit of grocery shopping last week, mainly for sales items we normally use combined with coupons I had clipped.  I feel like I saved a lot on groceries this week and we are still pretty far under budget for the month so far. 

I made some more refill solution for our foaming soap dispenser by combining 3 Tbs. liquid soap with 2/3 cup warm water. 

I watched a couple TV programs on Amazon and watched music videos on YouTube. 

I sold something on eBay. 

I finished a set of books borrowed from a friend. 

I sent a get well card to a friend using one I already had on hand in my stash of assorted greeting cards. 

I gave myself a manicure and a pedicure at home. 

I washed, refilled and reused water bottles and kept up my exercise program. 

What thrifty things did you do week last week?

Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Starting To Feel Like Fall

The days are getting shorter and the leaves are beginning to change on the trees already.  The last two nights have been downright chilly and the girls are wearing jackets to school in the morning. I even turned the heat on the last two mornings to take the chill off.  Brrr.

We've had quite a bit of much needed rain coupled with wind as well as thunder and lightning lighting up the skies.  It has made for quite a few magnificent light shows at night.  Very pretty, actually. 

With fall looming at us and officially starting in just a few days I guess I'd better get out my pen and pad and make one of my wonderful "To Do" lists I like so much.  There are plenty of tasks that need to be completed in preparation for winter.  One item that needs to go on the list is to add weather stripping to our front door as I discovered today that half of it appears to be missing. 

The other thing I need to seriously work on is to get started preparing for Christmas.  This year has definitely not been one where I have steadily done things each month to prepare for Christmas.  We do keep Christmas a relatively simple affair at our home but it still requires some planning, budgeting and saving.  So far I've done very little planning and preparing. 

Now that the girls are settling into school hopefully my schedule will also settle down a bit and I can get busy and work on some of these other things that need to get done.  This week has been crazy busy with all kinds of oddball things needing to be attended to. 

I am hoping for a quiet and restful weekend and then we'll see where we are at come Monday.  Do you have a big "To Do" list of winter preparations waiting for your attention?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Something You Probably Don't Know About Me

I don’t think I've ever mentioned to you before that I am crazy about cars.  While some women are crazy about jewelry, clothes or home décor I am absolutely nuts about cars. 

Any time an old car or pick up rolls down the road I instantly perk up.  A beautifully restored classic and I quite literally swoon.  My heartbeat picks up and I want to follow them down the road and get a closer look.  If there is a car show going on I want to go.  I'll stop people in the grocery store parking lot and talk to them about their ride. 

I love to watch car restoration shows on TV.  I hit car museums up when we travel.  My kids know to expect it as part of any sightseeing we have planned.  I am a NASCAR fan through and through.  I plan to attend a race someday.  I love racecars.  I even enjoy working on cars. 

I don't love mini vans or station wagons and I'm not especially fond of SUVs either.  No offense to anyone who owns one but they are just not my thing.  I love pretty cars that sparkle and shine in the sunlight.  I will even admit to serious car envy when I roll past a Mercedes Benz Kompressor or a sporty looking Lexus or an Audi.  So while some women dream about a pretty pair of Jimmy Choos I often pine away for a pretty car. 

Last week a very dear friend asked me why I've never owned a "pretty car".  I've owned nice cars, in fact I just sold one.  So I was a little caught off guard by his question.  He wasn't going to let it go either.  He wanted to know why I have always chosen to drive an affordable, practical car instead of a car I truly love.  Afterall, in his words, I'm "a car girl".  I'm very passionate about them.  I really didn't have an answer for him because I honestly hadn't ever taken the time to actually think about it. 

I told him I happen to love my truck, which is the vehicle I own and currently use as my daily commuter vehicle.  Which also happens to be practical and affordable up to a certain point.  We have discovered in the past couple of weeks that it isn't very practical for shoving full of and transporting growing teenagers.  I'm realizing that this is going to be a regular occurrence in my life now too.  Bam!  When did that happen?  So yes, I have questioned my wisdom in selling our roomy five passenger Scion XB and keeping the truck instead.  Both of my vehicles have been very nice, in fact all of my vehicles have been nice.  I don't buy crap. 

The point he wanted to make was that I can easily afford to drive a car that I love and makes me feel good when I drive it while being practical to haul kids around, pick up groceries and go to work or whatever.  I can also easily afford to keep my truck for all the reasons I have already chosen to do so.  So why don't I? 

Well we all can relate, I'm sure, to the why.  I'm a mom first and I take care of me second.  I make sure everybody else's needs are taken care of first before mine are met.  I have no trouble buying my children something they want for their birthday or Christmas but will wait and put what I want on the back burner for "later" or "someday". 

My friend was kind enough to point out I am now 49 years old.  Bless his heart.  But I also know his heart is in the right place, especially when he said, "Guess what?  It's already someday."

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Next Week's Meal Plan

Even with a tiny kitchen I can whip up a great meal.  Nothing is better than sitting down together as a family to eat a nourishing and delicious dinner.  So this what I have planned for our dining pleasure next week. 

Sunday – Pork Chops, Rice Pilaf, Steamed Broccoli
Monday – Chicken Noodle Soup & Biscuits, Garden Salad
Tuesday – Pastrami Sandwiches, Spinach Salad
Wednesday – Poached Eggs on English Muffins, Fruit
Thursday – Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Garden Salad
Friday –Pepper Steak, Steamed Rice
Saturday – Leftover Buffet or Dine Out 

School Lunches: 

Monday: - PBJ Sandwich
Tuesday - Soup & Biscuit
Wednesday - Pastrami Sandwich
Thursday - Chicken Salad
Friday - Pasta 

I based this plan off of items I already had on hand and items on sale at the local grocery store.  School lunches also include sides and a beverage. 

What delicious things are you fixing for supper this week?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To Coupon Or Not Coupon

That is the question! 

I find myself periodically reviewing whether clipping coupons is worth the time and trouble.  Especially when I find myself tossing a bunch that expired, as was the case yesterday. 

I don't always use coupons but there have been times when I have scored some terrific bargains by matching up a coupon with a sale priced item.  To be honest, I seldom use coupons any other way.  I also stack coupons which means adding a manufacturer's coupon to a store coupon for even greater savings. 

Yesterday I found myself in need of a few items, mainly cat food.  We were out of dry food and low on canned cat food.  I had quite a selection of coupons for various brands of both so I headed off to Fred Meyer since also I needed a few other items they had on sale.  Plus I had other coupons to use or toss. 

There are times, however when I really think it pays off.  This is what I ended up getting: 

·         2 boxes breakfast cereal - store coupon for 3/$5 plus a mfg. coupon for $1 = $1.16 each
·         2 loaves bread - store coupon for 4/$5 = $1.25 each
·         1 pound butter - store coupon for 3/$5 = $1.66 each
·         3 pudding cup packs - on sale 10/$10 less $1.00 coupon = 66¢ each (17¢ per pudding cup)
·         1 16oz. container sour cream - on sale 10/$10 = $1.00
·         2 boxes pasta - on sale 88¢ each less 55¢ coupon = 60¢ each
·         1 320z. bottle canola oil - close out $2.36
·         6 cans cat food - on sale 65¢ each less $1.00 coupon = 48¢ each
·         3 cans cat food - on sale 77¢ each less coupon buy 2 get 1 free = 51¢ each
·         1 16lb. bag dry cat food - sale $10.99 less $1.00 coupon = $9.99 final price 

            Total store and manufacturer coupons redeemed = $10.37.
            Total I paid = $13.04 food & $14.43 cat food. 

The cat food I bought will last us at least two months and I almost always have coupons when I buy it.  I find them both online and in the Sunday coupon circulars.  Two of the coupons I used today (pasta & cereal) were given to me at checkout during a prior visit to Fred Meyer.  Additionally I had them swipe my Fred Meyer Rewards card for this purchase which earns me points toward savings at their gas station. 

I happen to be one of those strange people who enjoys clipping coupons and I do try to only clip coupons for items I will actually use.  I have to admit I do get a real thrill when I find I have a coupon for something I need and it also happens to be on sale.  I love the math and strategizing that goes along with it too.  Especially when I can get something dirt cheap or, even better, for free. 

If you don't enjoy using and clipping coupons then I'd say just forget about it.  No point making yourself do something you really don't enjoy.  Grocery shopping and meal planning is hard enough without adding one more unpleasant aspect to it.  I have a friend that completely stresses out when faced with trying to figure out deals and how to use coupons for maximum savings.  I tell her life is too short and there are plenty of other things to stress over.  J 

So I guess what it literally comes down to is coupon if you want to and if you don't then don't bother.

You may also enjoy revisiting Coupons.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

I clipped coupons from the Sunday circular a friend gave me. 

I picked up free Priority Mail mailing supplies at the post office to send out shipments.  I printed my postage online which saves over buying it at the post office.  I took my packages to the post office at our neighborhood grocery store.  I did my grocery shopping while I was there and the girls went next door to pick up and return library books. 

I started a morning walking/hiking regimen utilizing our neighborhood terrain.  Free exercise! 

I washed and refilled a couple of water bottles to take with me while I walk in the mornings. 

I purchased gasoline using a discount I had earned from our neighborhood grocery store. 

I listed more items for sale on eBay.  I sold items on both Etsy and eBay. 

Other than a few items purchased at the grocery store I did no other shopping last week. 

We did not dine out at all again last week. 

I read a book borrowed from a friend.  We watched a couple of DVDs from our own collection. 

We used up a trial sized tube of toothpaste we received for free in the mail and started using a full-sized tube that I scored for free at Albertson's using coupons. 

Other than that not too much to report.  How was your thrifty week?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Just Some Random Thoughts Today

Laundry - not much more to be said.
I love, love, love our new washer and "dryer".  Having them makes my life so much nicer and easier.  The washing machine does an excellent job getting our clothes clean and it really is wonderful not to go to the laundromat anymore.  Clean clothes anytime I want. 

Henry snoozing on my daughter's bed.

I love, love, love my tiny home.  While it rained last night I fell asleep listening to it tapping our roof all snug in my queen sized bed with my kitty Henry curled up beside me.  I also had on my new pajamas I had bought from Dillards on the clearance rack.  Original price $64 and I paid $19.  Love the fabric and super comfy.

Tomatoes from the landlady

I love our new neighborhood and slowly we are getting to know the neighbors as well.  I really enjoy our sweet little grocery store with the post office inside and the library right next door.  My girls are able to visit the library weekly and as a result they are reading a lot more.  Of course it helps that we no longer have access to regular television.  I'm reading a whole lot more as well. 

My new favorite breakfast

My tiny kitchen is proving to be just perfect for me and the girls to prepare meals in and super quick to clean up after.  The big cutting board I bought to put over the sink makes it really nice adding just the right amount of extra space we need.  I've tailored our meal plan for simple easy-prep meals and we actually seem to be enjoying them more for some reason. 

I am tickled pink that I can clean my entire house in less than an hour.  I do this once a week while the girls are in school.  I am still working to streamline, organize and set up things in here and I expect to continue to do so for awhile yet. 

Old one.
Stella was my helper.

New one.
Isn't it pretty?

I replaced the old sewer line with a new one this week. Took about 15  minutes and it looks lovely.  Well as lovely as a sewer line can, anyway. 

Best thing of all right now is that my girls are loving their new schools.  They are making friends, love their classes and their teachers.  Open house was last night for my oldest.  She was just beaming and more than a little excited to show me around and introduce me to her teachers.  They really do seem wonderful. 

To top it off it has been a wonderful week.  How has your week been?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Next Week's Meal Plan

Even with a tiny kitchen I can whip up a great meal.  Nothing is better than sitting down together as a family to eat a nourishing and delicious dinner.  So this what I have planned for our dining pleasure next week. 

Sunday – Lemon Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans
Monday – Clam Chowder & Biscuits, Garden Salad
Tuesday – Turkey Sandwiches, Spinach Salad
Wednesday – Sausage & Eggs, Fruit
Thursday – Macaroni & Cheese, Garden Salad
Friday –Pork Fried Noodles w/ Vegetables
Saturday – Leftover Buffet or Dine Out 

School Lunches: 

Monday: - PBJ Sandwich
Tuesday - Chowder
Wednesday - Lemon Chicken & Rice
Thursday - Turkey Sandwich
Friday - Pasta 

I based this plan off of items I already had on hand and items on sale at the local grocery store.  School lunches also include sides and a beverage. 

What delicious things are you fixing for supper this week?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Applesauce Season Is Upon Us

It's applesauce season.  Thinking about making some this year?  This is how I do it.  I haven't quite decided if I am going to make any or not.  We are out of applesauce and nothing beats homemade but I have never tried to can in an RV before plus all my supplies are packed away.  I'll probably just make some small batches to enjoy when I get the urge. 
Now I wouldn't mind a few jars of apple butter!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Embracing A More Minimalist Lifestyle

I don't really think of myself as a minimalist.  I'm more of a lessamist.  We live with a whole lot less than what we used to.  A whole lot less than most Americans currently do.  So far we aren't really missing anything.  Not even space. 

While I was purging, selling our stuff and then packing what I felt was important I had a lot of time to think.  The biggest thought that came to mind was the colossal amount of money I had spent over the years on all this stuff.  The other thought was that I didn't truly appreciate it the way I should have. 

Despite my best efforts over the past five years I had a lot of stuff in my house.  In the past five years I have had two large yard sales, given quite a few things away and taken several loads to donate to a thrift store.  I tried to keep things from ending up in the landfill and recycled everything I could.  Of course, it didn't help that while I was purging I still continued to purchase things. 

When it came time to clear out the house, pack up and head out I realized just how much useless stuff was sitting in my home.  More importantly, most of it wasn't getting the attention it should have.  We just weren't using most of the stuff we had. 

Right now we have virtually no furniture.  I saved very few pieces.  A shelf unit, two red leather straight back chairs, a small side table that was my great-grandmother's, my dresser from my bedroom and a lamp.  They will remain in storage for the time being. 

Everything else we owned was packed into banker boxes, copy paper boxes and plastic bins.  The items we chose to keep are of importance to us and are items we feel we will use on a regular basis.  After unpacking and moving into our travel trailer we still have boxes left.  As I stand and look at all of them I still can't help but feel we may have kept too much. 

Before all is said and done I have a feeling that I'll be getting rid of a lot more stuff once we finally get settled into our new routine.  I like the idea of a lot less stuff. 

From now on when I decide to buy something I plan to take my time, choose wisely, really think about what I am buying and pay cash. 

Yes, I really do think we've kept too much.