Tuesday, December 31, 2013

As Our Year Comes To A Close

I am ready to bid 2013 adieu and welcome in 2014 with new hope and promise.  It has been a tumultuous year for us, but also for a lot of people in our lives.  I think I'm more than ready for a fresh start. 

Despite all our challenges this year I realize I am still so truly blessed.  These are the things I am most grateful for: 

·         My two beautiful and loving daughters, my dear friends and my family.
·         Our little place we call home and the abilities and resources to make it work.
·         That we are very blessed to have everything we need and most of what we want.
·         My pretty little car and my tough little truck.
·         Our two kitties who add extra joy to our lives.
·         Opportunities to accomplish new things and meet new people along the way.
·         Realizing one of my big dreams coming true by having my first novel published.
·         My faith.  Despite everything bad that has happened, to us and to our loved ones, my faith has endured and sustained me.  I have learned to listen to Him and pay better attention too. 

I am hopeful for a better year in 2014.  I pray that there are fewer challenges and struggles and that we all enjoy better health.  Most of all I wish for continued strength and perseverance, that my faith remains steady and that I am able to maintain my sense of optimism and hope. 

How was 2013 for you?  Are you ready for the New Year?


  1. I have just found your blog and have been reading your archives yesterday and today when I can find the time. Your year has been hard but reading how you have come through it is very uplifting and shows much ingenuity and drive on you and your daughters part. If my 65 years have taught me anything, it is to be able to roll with whatever life brings your way. Following your year has given me many lessons on just how this can be done. May 2014 bring you much joy and good health. Blessings to you and your family. I will be looking forward to reading all your posts in this new year.

    1. Tana,

      I am so glad you found us. Thank you for your encouraging words. I so appreciate them. 2014 is destined to be a great year. I can feel it. I hope to hear from you often. Take care and Happy New Year!!

  2. Amen! We, and many of friends, have also had a difficult year. I am so looking forward to 2014 and a fresh start.

    1. You are definitely not alone in this. I know a lot of people in the same boat. 2014 will great!! Take care and Happy New Year!

  3. 2013 was difficult here too but I very optimistic that 2014 is going to be easier.
    I hope 2014 is a happy new year for you and your family

    1. Happy New Year Rhonda! I too am feeling optimistic about 2014.
      Best wishes to you and your family as well.

  4. It is refreshing to read how thankful you are for your blessings. So many times people just dwell on the negatives. I need to be more conscious of the multitude of blessings the Lord has given me.

    I have been really enjoying your blog, so glad I found it.

    1. Oh Theresa, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you found us too! Happy New Year.


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