Monday, December 30, 2013

Last Week’s Thrifty Moves

My last Thrifty Week post for 2013, but alas, I'll be back with another one next week in 2014.

Amazingly, I did not do any grocery shopping this week.  I didn't read the ads or worry about clipping coupons either because we are so well stocked up at home.  I also didn’t buy any gasoline or propane.  How about that?! 

I cleaned out and reorganized the cabinet underneath the bathroom sink.  I was able to combine the items from my overflow storage tote with the items I store there and eliminated the tote altogether. 

Guess what?  When I was reorganizing the toiletries a I found a small half full bottle of lotion.  I thought we'd gone through all of those and taken care of them, but apparently not.  I was laughing about it to my oldest and she handed me another one she had found amongst her things that was about a third full.  Where did they all come from?!  So now we are on a mission to use these two pesky little bottles up so we can enjoy our new stuff we got for Christmas. 

I made more refill solution for the foaming soap dispenser in our bathroom. 

On Christmas morning I gathered up gift bags, bows, gift boxes and tissue paper to re-use for next year.  I consolidated everything so it fit inside one medium sized gift bag with all the bows inside a gift box.  It takes up much less storage space now in the storage area underneath my bed. 

One of the gifts the girls received were throw blankets.  Each one had a wide grosgrain ribbon tied around them.  I saved them to use for a ribbon to wrap a gift.  All I'll have to do is press them with an iron to remove the wrinkles where they were tied. 

My daughters made thank you cards to send friends and relatives for their Christmas gifts. 

The semi-annual coupon pack from Fred Meyer arrived in the mail so I was uber excited about that, cause I'm weird that way.  I have several coupons to use next month when I go grocery shopping that will help me save quite a bit.  They even included cat food coupons. 

That pretty much sums up my thrifty week.  How about yours?

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