Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Baskets On A Tight Budget

When we got ready to move I kept the girls plastic Easter themed buckets I bought for them several years ago.  They are pretty sturdy and I knew they could be put to use when it wasn't Easter.  I have been storing my onions and potatoes in them.  I put the onions in a paper bag and we finished off the potatoes for supper last Friday so I gave them a good wash up in warm soapy water and they were good as new.

I began to collect things for the girl's Easter baskets beginning in February by taking advantage of loss leaders and using coupons along with those sales to purchase items for nearly nothing.  Primarily I found most of the candy at Walgreens and the rest of the stuff at the dollar store.

This year I managed to get all of their candy and two packages of sugarless gum for less than $5.  I then spent $7 at Dollar Tree for a few additional items - each got a package of colorful hair bands, a three pack of Colgate toothbrushes, a three pack of emery boards and bubbles.  You are never too old for bubbles.

In addition I ordered a violin music book for my youngest and a cushioned thumb rest cover for a clarinet for my oldest through Amazon.  Each item was around $6 and I was planning to get them anyway so I thought why not give them to them for Easter? 

All items are a combination of things they want and need so I think they'll be pretty happy.  How do you fill your children's Easter baskets?

You may also enjoy revisiting this post about Easter Egg Dye on a thrifty budget.


  1. Your kids are going to like their Easter baskets- it's nice when you personalize them to fit each kid. And you are so right- you're NEVER too old for bubbles! ;)
    I do what you do when it comes to my kids Easter baskets- I give them a nice combo of things they would like and things they need. This year they are going to find socks, undies (for the potty-training toddler) hand soap (with a cartoon character on it), goldfish crackers, a coloring book, stickers and a couple of other little things in their baskets. I rely on Dollar Tree for this type of thing. I try to keep it at about $20 total for the two baskets.

    1. Gotta love Dollar Tree! Now that my girls are older it is getting harder to find things for them. They are past the colorbooks and stickers unfortunately. I'm not ready for that either, but they are growing up.


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