Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Goals, Plans, & Lists

I set goals so I have something to accomplish and a direction to move forward into.  I am not one of those who is content to just sit and be.  Living in the moment, taking things day by day and waiting to see what happens is way outside my comfort zone.  I am much more comfortable taking an active role in my future.  For the most part it works well for me.

I love to make plans.  It doesn't matter if it is our menu plan, a vacation or my retirement I get a thrill sitting down and planning these life events.  Mapping out ways to get to my destination is fun and challenging.  Depending on the goal I may find myself doing some online research, checking my finances or simply brainstorming and coming up with ideas.

I am a huge list maker.  I make lists all of the time to help me stay on track and not forget things.  If we are having a busy week I will often make a list of all the events or things we need to do for that week in a day by day format.

A simple "To Do" list helps me get a lot done in a short amount of time and gives me a real sense of accomplishment as I cross things off of it.  I know, I'm weird.

I use a calendar to track important dates and information that pertains to a certain day.  For instance every time I submit my weekly online timecard to the temp agency they give me a reference number.  I always write that number down on the day I submitted my card in case I ever need it.  Plus it confirms to me that I didn't forget to do it in the first place.  Another thing I do is to jot down when I change my propane tanks on the RV so I can manage when to refill the empty one and know when to expect to change them out again.

My Pantry List is a pretty popular subject on this blog and it proves to be an invaluable tool for me to use time and again in keeping our freezer and pantry adequately and efficiently stocked.  I have happily emailed workable copies to a lot of followers since I posted it.  If you think you might be interested in one by all means let me know.

I track and list all my spending on a daily basis which helps me stay on track, curb the urge to overspend and know at any given moment how much money I happen to have on hand.  It is probably the best thing I ever decided to do.

When I decide to make a goal I write it down.  After that I come up with a preliminary plan regarding my particular goal and how I can make it happen.  Subsequently I come up with a list of all the things I need to do to help ensure I meet this goal.  Then I get to work.

How about you?  Any other crazy goal setting, planners making lists out there?  What are some of your success secrets? 


  1. Yup- we are in the same boat, my friend! I am a chronic list maker and planner. I don't think I am quite as organized as you are though- you rock!
    I love the feeling when I cross things off my list and nothing beats the satisfaction of completing an entire list. I have lists for everything- grocery shopping, menu, checklists, things to do, things to remember. Unfortunately all these lists are just on regular lined paper or small steno notebooks instead of nice planning sheets. I am going to browse through your templates and see what I can print out to use. :)
    One thing that I do every single day is I make sure I write the "ordinary" things on the list first- I like to cross those off the list as I do them- makes me feel like I accomplished more. Those things include 'laundry', 'dishes', 'make dinner', 'straighten up the house', then I add the extra things- like specific rooms to clean or places to go or other things I have to do. I don't necessarily do things in the order that I list them and I don't always finish my entire list for the day, but like you, I feel better having direction. :)
    PS- You guys go camping? We do too! I love it. In fact I have a blog post that I started writing on camping. :)

    1. I'm so glad to know another fellow list maker! We are awesome people, don't you think? I often say I keep my brains on paper. If I don't write it down, then I forget. On the other hand I find too that if I don't write it down I obsess about remembering it. Some days I wonder about me. :)

      I'm trying to convince my girls now that we live in the RV we should get a tent and go camping this year. My oldest isn't thinking that is too cool. I told her she could sleep in the back of the truck then. She was still not impressed. I can hardly wait to read your post. Yaay!

    2. Haha. Some days I worry about you too! Just Kidding!!! We are awesome people! (and quite humble too!) :)
      We actually cheat a little bit when we go camping- we have a blow up mattress that we lay down in the tent. We are still roughing it- but we do allow ourselves a little bit of comfort here and there. :)

    3. How is this for cheating? I just bought a compressor to plug into the truck to blow up the mattresses. At my age air mattresses are a necessity! :)

    4. Haha. Yeah, I hear ya. I'm almost 37 and the days of sleeping on the floor are pretty much done for me too. :) We also bring outdoor Christmas lights when we camp and a big canopy and stream the lights around it and plug it in the car- isn't camping so fun! Canoes, campfires, crisp morning air! Too bad you guys don't live closer, I bet we'd have a blast on a camping trip! :)


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