Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Uber Thrifty Month In Review - March

I was really pleased with how things went last month.  I finished out the month with over a quarter tank of gas left in the truck.  I used rewards points at the Fred Meyer gas station to save 10¢ a gallon when I filled up at the beginning of the month.  I was careful with the trips I made and planned errands so I was able make most of my stops en route home from work and save fuel in the process.

I paid all of our monthly bills and the mortgage well before the due dates.  I put money away in savings and I made the payments I was planning on toward my financial goals.  I purchased a lot more groceries than I expected to by purchasing almost everything I needed on sale and adding coupons to those sale items for extra savings.  We were also very careful not to allow very little food to go to waste.

My PayPal account has only a $150.oo balance left on it for my box spring and mattress set.  I can continue to pay on it interest free until October but I plan to have it paid off well before then.  I made a large payment on my medical, business and miscellaneous debt too.

We bought four chicks at the feed store to raise for fun, entertainment and eggs.  Although we lost two and had to replace them a week later I still feel it is money well spent simply for the sheer entertainment they have provided us in recent weeks.  I was able to keep other expenses low by repurposing our old dog crate as a chick brooder and using pine bedding and feeders we already had.  I did have to buy a new 40 pound bag of chick feed and was lucky enough to get it on sale for $14.99.  Eventually the chickens will produce enough eggs to pay for their keep.  So far I am into this new batch of chickens for less than $50.

I listed and sold our little washing machine.  The listing was free on Craigslist.  I used the money to purchase groceries and non food items for April, Easter greeting cards, a garden hoe, wasp & hornet spray and a new bale of pine bedding for the chickens.  This allowed me to put more money from my paycheck toward debt and savings.

Free tomato plants.

I purchased seeds for a vegetable garden at the dollar store.  We repurposed some milk jugs and used soil we already had and planted some seeds indoors.  My daughter saved some tomato seeds when she made a salad, dried them and we planted them too.  They are growing very well right now.

When my youngest daughter unexpectedly needed shorts because she had decided to join the school track team we went online and printed a 50% OFF coupon and went to the fabric store.  She picked out the fabric she liked and I used elastic, thread and a pattern I already had to sew her two pair for less than the price of one pair at the store.

I feel like I accomplished a huge amount this month and made my dollars go really far.  Our pantry and freezers are full.  We currently have everything we need, most of what we want and I consider myself truly, truly blessed right now.


  1. You did have a good month! I like to take the time at the end of the month to reflect on what I accomplished. Some days I feel like I am very busy but I don't get much done- does that make sense? It's not until I look at the big picture and realize that I not only kept up with things, but I did get ahead and accomplish things also.
    This week is one of those weeks where I am satisfied just treading water and not putting on too much pressure to get things done. My son fell off of the swing on Easter Sunday and we spent the day (into the next day) in the hospital. He has a concussion and we are trying to take it easy this week. Still, I am so so thankful that there was no internal bleeding- it could have been so much worse. I can echo you as you said, "We are truly, truly blessed right now."

    1. So glad to hear your son is doing well. Scary I'm sure. Take it easy and enjoy your precious darlings.

  2. Once again Dana, you had a very good month. Kudos to you !!!
    I too had a decent month. When I look back at all that I had to contend with, new water heater, purchasing a "new-to-me" used lawn mower and general yard clean up so I can start my vegetable garden, I wonder how I did it. (Little One's "father" pays no child support nor has he ever and can't be found.) All the bills were paid, we ate well and a little money was put into savings.
    We have good health,a roof over our heads and I have a good, stable job. Yes, I have say we too, are very very blessed.
    Vanessa B

    1. Oh good for you. So happy to hear that. I too had an ex that never paid a dime in support with my son. But, we mom's manage, nonetheless. Of course with my girls it is just me but that is okay. I knew if I could do it once I could certainly do it again!

      Kudos to you super mom! :)


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