Thursday, May 7, 2015

KIS - Toiletries

There was a time when my bathroom cabinets were stuffed with toiletries.  In fact, I had multiples of all kinds of stuff along with a ton of junk we never used.  The easiest decluttering project I have ever done was to clear out those cabinets, get rid of the stuff we didn't like or use, and use up the multiple items we did without purchasing anything new for several months.

That project is literally what got me started decluttering the entire house.

Now instead of toiletries filling up the cabinets I have room for towels and washcloths, a trash can, our first aid supplies and a few extra toiletries we use every day.  Before, I had a whole other cabinet in the hallway just for storing towels.  I kept the first aid supplies on a shelf in the linen closet in my bedroom.  Things were a little spread out, to say the least.  But that's what happens when you have too much stuff.

Here is a list of what I keep and use on a daily basis:

Shampoo & conditioner
Shower gel
Bath soap
Face cleanser
Body lotion & moisturizer
Toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste
Disposable razors
Manicure set
Nail polish & polish remover
Cotton balls & cotton swabs
Feminine hygiene products
Toilet paper
Facial tissue

I don't spend a lot on toiletries either.  A lot of what I buy comes from the dollar store such as the deodorant, toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste, cotton balls and cotton swabs, nail polish and remover, even facial issue.

I stock up on toilet paper when it goes on sale or a friend picks it up for me at Costco.  Because it is so bulky I do keep most of it stored in the linen closet and then keep a few extra rolls in the bathroom cabinets.

I always ask for shower gel and body lotion at Christmas and for my birthday from Bath & Body Works and I usually manage to receive a good supply to last all year.  I buy shampoo and conditioner on sale and with coupons to save even more.

What toiletries to you find essential?  Do you find you have too much or just the right amount?

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