Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Preparing For The Coming Winter

With everything else going on around here I am working really hard to get ourselves ready for winter.  The chickens have already molted which tells me winter is likely to hit early this year.  The mornings are already getting chilly and we have leaves on the ground.  I want to be prepared as always for the cold months and higher heat bills that are an inevitable part of the season.

Almost have this baby filled back up!

Ever since I cleaned out the chest freezer in our garage my goal has been to get it filled back up with meat, frozen veggies and some bread.  Thanks to some really great sales, coupons, markdowns and store rewards points I was able to get that accomplished over the past six weeks.  That is the best feeling to know you have all the meat you will need for several months stashed away in the freezer.

Our bins hold over 100# of chicken feed plus I bought 2 extra 50# bags

The next area I focused on and is really important to us is to lay in enough pet food to get through until spring.  I don't like to go to the feed store in winter and then have to lug 50# bags of chicken feed across an icy driveway.  So in two trips I was able to get enough chicken feed, bunny food and cat food to stock up for winter.  I used two $10 OFF $50 Purchase coupons to make it even more affordable and money I earned working overtime to make this happen.

Plenty of laundry supplies and toiletries

Throughout the year I've gathered and stocked up on laundry detergent, fabric softener, toothpaste and other toiletries that I've purchased on sale and with coupons.  I've spent very little on any of it, around a dollar an item, including the laundry detergent.  Last month I picked up a case of toilet paper to add to our linen closet and that pretty much has us set for now.

Next area to work on will be canned goods

The last area to work on is our pantry.  I'll be stocking up on canned goods next.  Mostly tomatoes, tomato sauces, mayonnaise, some more salad dressing and some canned veggies.  Most of our condiments have been acquired, again while on sale and with coupons.  We don't need much so that should be easily handled with our regular grocery budget.

Jack appreciates the 50# of cat food we have in stock

I have a few winterizing projects to tackle before the cold weather sets in and then we should be pretty well set for when the cold weather arrives.  I'll be sure to share those with you as I do them.  Once preparations are completed my plan is to hunker down and move into craft and create mode.  I can hardly wait for that.  I have a lot of things on my list I'd like to do.

Plenty of spices and extracts for cooking and baking

Do you do anything like this to get ready for winter?  I'd sure love to hear about it.


  1. I really like this post. A real plan for winter! I want to stock up to cut down on my trips to the store this winter, too. I hope to stay inside and nest and sew.

  2. Great job!
    Ugh, we just moved to Michigan, and I am dreading the winter. I don't plan to drive much once it gets here, so I'm glad that we have a grocery store across the street. I like your approach, tho, and will try to stock up!

    1. Thanks Brooke. I always feel better once the weather gets bad knowing we can be snug inside with everything we need.

  3. This question is hard this year -- because we don't know for sure what winter will bring. And we'll be gone for a good chunk of it, anyways.
    We've been living in the fifth wheel now for almost 3 months. (Our house closing, God willing, is FINALLY next Tuesday.) Most of what I stocked up with the last few winters is gone. Sure, I can buy a dozen of this and that -- but we don't have the storage room we did. I am having a hard time finding space for 20 lb or so of beans leftover from my last stockup, let alone cans and such. We don't have the option of a freezer in the garage, like you did. Could you maybe write a post on comparing stocking up in your house vs what you did in your little house? I think that would be VERY interesting. (P.S. Jack is a cutie.)

    1. RV life is very different isn't it. I totally had to realign my thinking. I really should do a post like you suggest.

      I agree - Jack is pretty darn cute! ;)

  4. I always have plenty of canned goods but what I do like to stock up on is kleenex, toilet paper, paper plates, and paper towels. With plenty of food in the house if we have a big storm or even a snow storm in January for February, I don't want to run out of paper products. I don't want to have to make a trip to the store for paper things. I get paper plates, cups and plastic knives, forks and spoons in case our power goes out during and after a storm. I guess what I am thinking is I want to be ready for power outages and being house bound. Also flashlights (LEDS), which I get at the dollar store, I find if you have white ceilings, point your flashlight at the ceiling and the whole room or hallway lights up much more than if you just point it in front of you. You don't need much of the paper products, because it would be unusual to be housebound for more than a few days. But who wants to run out of toilet paper? And your new kitty Jack sure dresses up your photos!

    1. I have a big fear of running out of TP myself, ha, ha. We get down to the last half dozen rolls and I start to worry. I don't know why it bothers me so much. Great tip about pointing the flashlights at the ceiling. I'm glad you shared that. I am sure enjoying my little guy.

  5. I like to stock up for the winter, too. Just yesterday I bought a couple gallons of de-icing fluid for the car windshield washers. I love your little helper! He's so cute. I'm sure he told you, "Good job, Mom!" for stocking all those kitty crunchies!

    1. He was pretty happy about all that kibble. No doubt about that. He is a great help around the house.


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