Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Making 2020 A Low Buy Low Spend Year

Last year was rough.  I ended 2019 feeling pretty discouraged about our finances.  A lot of little expenses on top of some larger ones added up to a big chunk of change.  For the first time in quite a while I have unpaid debt and I don't like it one little bit.  But instead of wallowing in despair over it I am grateful to have the means to take care of those expenses, even if it meant using a credit card, and the means to pay that credit card bill each month.  In time it will be paid off and our emergency fund will be topped back up.

In order to help us get there I've decided to make 2020 a low buy year so I'm able to divert more of my hard earned money in the direction of savings and debt elimination.  I'm going to be even more mindful and intentional with spending this year to make sure that happens.

Groceries will be purchased at best possible prices and I will endeavor to stay on budget each month.  I plan to only buy shoes and clothing that is needed to replace items we already have.  In the meantime I will care for the clothes we have and do any mending needed to extend the life of our clothing.

We are blessed.  We have a lot!  Plenty of toiletries, toilet paper & tissue, laundry detergent & dryer sheets, cleaning supplies & dishwashing liquid.  Our freezer is still pretty full, our pantry has a lot in it too.

We won't be traveling this year.  That was an easy one as nothing was planned for 2020.  As far as dining out or entertainment well be reeling that in quite a bit.  I'll be on the search for free and very low cost entertainment options which is easy to do in this town.  Lucky us!

I think employing a low buy/low spend year will help me get a grasp on our current financial situation and go a long way to help me set things right.  I know I'll breathe a lot easier once that is all taken care of.


  1. I wouldn't beat yourself up over last year, there are simply times when life sends one curve balls. You've got a good handle on things and I'm certain that next January the post will read differently.

  2. I don't recall: do you have a food garden at all? If so, disregard. Super easy to build a 4f square, 12" deep. Turn up a 5f square in your yard, sink that box about 4". Add 6" compost and mix thoroughly. 2 tomatoes in the north end, then grow all the lettuce, spinach, kale, chard you can eat. 6 months of greens for under $15/seed.

    And you'll be cycling to the necessary stores in 60 days saving fuel :-)
    You can do this! You are a well seasoned budget diva :-)

    1. All I'm going to say is I have an incredibly black thumb. Still.... I've been thinking about trying to garden again. We'll see.

    2. Key is truly soil prep. when I started my final new bed in my yard: 1/3 ground soil, 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss. The first time is the only time to build the perfect beginning. Then watering must be even so the plants don't starve or flood for water. I have 1/4 soaker hose hooked to a timer from Home Depot. It attaches at the faucet and is automatic. It is perfect and mindless once set. The batteries will last the entire season. 4-6h sun each day between 10 and 5-easy here in Boise, depending on where your tree shade comes in.

    3. We have a lot of big trees in our yard. The shade is nice, but not for gardening unfortunately. Thank you for all the advice.

    4. Oh that's a bummer. Front yard? I have no grass, it's all food and flowers. My best sun is in my front yard! :-)

  3. Last year was tough. All three of us in my little family had medical diagnosis that had impacted us. This of course affects financial too. That coupled with rising prices and I have felt like for the last 7 months that I was wearing a financial girdle!! It is tough and gets tiring but living within my means is my top priority so I press on. Its the extras that seem to get me - why is it when your budget is already compressed tightly that there is an abundance of fundraisers,events, special days, etc that you didn't plan for and they drain what is left (or you worry about what to do about them??)

    1. Exactly!! Our hardest year and my daughter makes the dance team!! I'm ever so proud of her, but holy cow dance is soooo expensive.

  4. I am doing this as well because we have 3 debts that I am tired of looking at (A/C. 401 Loan and Care Credit). I want them gone in 6 months at the latest.

  5. I'm looking forward to watching and learning! You always have great ideas : )


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