Thursday, March 5, 2020

Keto Bread!

Finally!  I've searching high and low, even went to Whole Foods looking for a loaf of Keto bread.  Nope, they didn't have any.  I had heard it was out there, but hadn't found any at the stores.  And then....  There it was!  There on a special display in the bread aisle.  Ahhhhhhhh.  Was there a crazy woman doing a happy dance in the middle of the grocery store in Boise, Idaho that evening?  I can neither confirm or deny that may have occurred.  Anything is possible.

My bread options have literally doubled now

The ingredients seem pretty good, it is loaded in fiber so the net carb count is zero.  I figure it isn't going to be something I eat every day, but still a reasonable healthy option that opens up a whole new set of culinary possibilities.  My head began to swim.  In the past two years that I've been doing Keto I have eaten one slice of bread that I toasted and topped with two poached eggs.  Poached eggs on toast is my comfort food, I just love it.  And I was missing it so I indulged.  Now I can just have it.  Whenever I want.

Ladies & Gentlemen, the almighty grilled cheese sandwich

I decided my first meal, however had to be something really special so you have to know a grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup was the only meal special enough for this bread.  And it did not disappoint.  In fact, it was so good, I ate it twice that week. Oh yeah!

Does it get any better than this?  Really?

Thank you Franz bakery for providing me with this over priced loaf of Keto goodness.  Thank you!  My life is now complete.


  1. OMG, and they are a local bakery. Double score!!!! I sooo want a grilled cheese sandwich! We are doing Code Red right now for weight loss so not yet.

  2. I hear you about the grilled cheese. It was the first thing I had once I located some.I found zero carb bread at our local Aldi. They had a 4 loaf limit so I bought 4 and froze them. I am so happy I did because I only eat it once a week and it would have ruined, but the store sold out in a few days and I have seen no more since.

    1. I'm going to do French toast with it tomorrow. I can hardly wait! LOL

  3. I wish they had Franz Bread here. When I go up to see my mom in Oregon I used to take a big carry on and bring a few loafs home. lol. This time when I came home I went to the Amish store and bought smoked gouda cheese because I can't find any here that doesn't have cellulose or corn starch in it and I'm allergic. So I froze the big piece and brought it home in a small cooler bag (frozen) Yes, I did get checked at the part of the airport where they scan the bags. The guy just laughed and let me go. It's a running joke in my family that I get stopped everywhere I fly for something weird in my luggage.

  4. You can get it at their outlet so much less expensive than at the store. I have purchased it there many times

  5. Oh good! I am planning a trip there very soon.


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