Friday, March 6, 2020

This Is A Good Year To GYST

2020 seems like a really good year for me to seriously get my sh*t together, how about you?  And it is a goal I am taking really seriously.  The biggest part of that, as I have already shared, is to get rid of some lingering debt.  Last year I thought I had it handled, but we had some setbacks when my daughter became ill on two separate occasions.  We were blessed that the hospital wrote off a big chunk, but I was still left with lab bills, radiology bills, doctor bills, specialist bills, pharmacy bills, etc.  On top of that, last year she finished up her orthodonture and had her wisdom teeth removed via an oral surgeon.  And then she had some complications from that.  It was a steady stream of doctor visits and procedures.  God bless her, she really went through the mill last year.  This year so far, knock on wood, she seems to be fairing much better.  The previous two years before that it was me with the medical bills and I still have some of that leftover as well.  NO MORE!!  I want it gone!

Needless to say, making headway and cleaning up that medical debt last year, as I had planned, did not happen.  Instead it grew monumentally and I was less than pleased.  This year I am determined to get it taken care of, once and for all,  along with my 0% interest car loan I have.  I'm tired of making that payment each month too.  Makes me crabby.  Ha, ha.  Enough, enough, enough.

Times a tickin'!

In my mind the best way for me to GYST in 2020 is to eliminate my debt, hit some pretty significant savings goals and be well set up to make my retirement goals.  I also want to make a concrete retirement plan and set those wheels in motion.  The time is rapidly approaching and I have to get busy.

As the year rolls along I will keep you updated on my progress and let you know how it goes.  In two months I've made some pretty significant progress already and I've already done quite a bit this month as well.  I'm eager to share with you what I've done so stay tuned for that update.  Fingers crossed and I should be able to hit one of my debt goals really soon.


  1. I remember well, the year we had this same theory of our financial lives. That was 1987.

    My best advice is to pay yourself first for those retirement goals. Nothing is better than tincture of time on dollar cost averaging! I hope your employer has a tax deferred program for you! and Roth IRA contributions are terrific too for any dollars you have leftover.

    I know you will hit your goals! You are tenacious each and every month as you set targets here with us :-)

    1. I completely agree. Pay yourself first. People do not realize just how important that really is. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. I know you can do it! You’ve got great self discipline.

    1. Thank you Lee Ann. I really appreciate the encouragement. :o)

  3. Its our year as well...all debt except the vehicles will actually be done this month then I am hammering his truck and motorcycle.


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