Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Summer Road Trip 2020

The youngest and I were much in need of a break.  My oldest had to work so she house sat and we are grateful to her for that.  Knowing our home and our animals were in good hands makes it much easier to take off for a little road trip and relax.  Which is exactly what we did!


Loads of fresh air and sunshine.  We couldn't have asked for any better weather.  And those Sawtooth Mountains are absolutely breathtaking.


Since Laverne isn't quite ready for travel we decided to "rough it" and took our tent that I purchased 5 years ago and put it to use.  My daughter had never tent camped before, we've always had an RV so she was pretty excited to try it.  I am very proud of myself for giving it a go after all these years and I did just fine.


We didn't rush, we relaxed, played board games, ate, went out for ice cream, rock climbed, hiked a bit, went to a ghost town, did some rock hunting, played in the river, had a couple picnics and of course roasted hot dogs and toasted marshmallows over the fire.


I didn't take a lot of pictures opting to put down the camera and just enjoy being there.  It was really, really nice.


In camp we had a chipmunk and boy was she ever sweet.  In fact she had a heart shaped coloration on her back so we knew she was a true sweetheart.  She really took a shine to my daughter and would eat right out of her hand.  I tried, but no way.  Not interested.  My daughter on the other hand, oh yeah.


One afternoon she fell asleep in her camp chair and when she woke up she was surprised to see little Miss Sweetheart sitting on her lap.  We couldn't believe it.  We took pictures of her little paw prints on my daughter's leg.  That chipmunk made our trip complete.


All too soon it was time to pack up and head for home.  The promise of a hot shower helped to ease our sadness at leaving that beautiful place and our new little friend.  We both agreed we need to do this again.  And very soon!



  1. Glad you enjoyed your trip. It looks like fun, well all except the tent part!

  2. It looks like a relaxing trip! Glad you were able to get some down time. I love the sweet little chipmunk who adopted your youngest.

  3. Looks like a wonderful time. I admire you and your girls so much. Living a good life!! Take care.
    Cindy Huxtable


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