Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Prepper Pantry - Pet Food


I think the next logical step for us with our prepper pantry now that we've established food, toiletries and cleaning supplies is to focus on our pets.  Our pets are very important to us.  We have a small flock of chickens, two kitties and a bunny living with us.  Having extra food and supplies stocked for them will mean one less thing we need to be worried about.


In July I picked up a 22# bag of cat food and last month I bought a 30# bag of cat food as well as two 50# bags of feed pellets for the chickens.  This month I plan to purchase two more bags of chicken feed as well as several can of cat food.  Next month I will do the same thing again.  My youngest is taking care of the bunny food and supplies and so far she has her pretty well stocked up.


Last year we installed floor to ceiling shelving in our garage so we have plenty of good storage space available to put things.  Having adequate storage space is every bit as important to me as the items we are storing.  I don't feel there is any point to acquiring these items unless I have a proper place to keep them.  If they get ruined or damaged they will be of no use to us and a complete waste of money and effort.


I feel pretty good about the start we have made on our pet food prepper pantry so far.  Our feathered and furry babies won't need to worry about having plenty of food and goodies to keep them fed and happy.  Knowing that makes me happy too.




  1. Rats and mice can climb! So, it appears you have them secured. Good.

    1. Between the storage bins and my two mousers so far, so good (fingers crossed).

  2. I just bought a brand new bag of Iams for my cat. She won't eat it. Happy to give it if you want it to bag/seal for your prepper supplies.

    1. My kitties weren't impressed with it either. You think you are doing a good thing buying the expensive stuff but if they won't eat it... picky little critters.

    2. Oddly, she has eaten it for 11 years but no more. She eats a bit, and throws it up within 10 minutes.

    3. Oh no, poor kitty! My kitties are uber picky. It can't be too expensive and it can't be too cheap, just somewhere in the middle. Must be okay, they all seem to be healthy and live to a ripe old age. :o)


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