Friday, December 4, 2020

Keeping a Generous Heart


Along with Carrying a Grateful Heart a generous heart is very important to me as well.  And when it comes to generosity that doesn’t mean one needs to spend loads of money or purchase and give expensive gifts.  Generosity can be expressed in many forms.


Random acts of kindness is probably my most favorite way to express generosity.  Inviting a friend to lunch, freshly baked brownies or cookies shared with my co-workers, shoveling the snow off our neighbor’s sidewalk, holding a door for a stranger, mentoring or coaching someone to figure out a problem, taking the time to just listen, or a little handmade gift given for no apparent reason.  So many “gifts” of generosity that cost little to no money at all.


My charities of choice are to support a couple of our neighborhood thrift stores with donated goods and the food banks.  My daughter’s high school has a food pantry that I give items to as well as the Idaho Food Bank which helps thousands of families and individuals each year.  I also support various food drives at the holidays.  I have plenty so I feel the need to share some of what I have so others won’t go hungry.  We also like to throw change in the red Salvation Army bucket at Christmastime and I will often purchase a voucher at the grocery store to help a family receive a meal at Thanksgiving and Easter.  Little things add up and I am able to do a lot of good without it impacting us financially.  Even on a limited income I find there are always a variety of different ways to give.


When I give I have no expectation of receiving anything in return.  I am just happy knowing that maybe I was able to brighten someone’s day or help out in some small way.  I will never know who was fed by my food donations or who is being helped out by my donated clothing that was purchased at the thrift store, but in my heart I know I did something good.




  1. I love this post! It's a nice reminder for all of us.

  2. Word on the street here is that the food bank I support is now only taking cash, or donations directly from the supermarket with a receipt. I think that's due to COVID 19, but I'm not sure. To get around this pain in neck, while supporting the cause, we have been doing (and always have been) the bulk of our non-grocery shopping at the attached thrift shop whose proceeds support the food bank. We always look there first for gifts or a specific need, say, a desk lamp. We save money, help the environment, and the proceeds go 100% to the food bank. It's an effortless, painless way to help out. I still fondly remember the Christmas when every item my kids opened from us came from the thrift shop.

    1. That is wonderful Meg. I love treasures and so do my kiddos. It doesn't have to be brand new to hold value.

  3. Couldn't agree more. I've been working the past few months to make this a more conscious efforts & it's been both really enjoyable & a good reminder to make this something top of mind - I end up doing much more without even noticing it much. It becomes a habit, much like other things.

  4. Thanks for the great post! Its a reminder that little ways do add up! We can all help others in little ways. One way I help is by saving my grocery receipts from a local owned grocery store. They donate 1% of the receipts total(in groceries-not cash) to the charity that turns the receipts in to them. So essentially our human society can get free food and cat litter, etc for the animals they are caring for. It costs nothing out of my pocket but can benefit an organization like that greatly. I also try to buy something from the amazon list for our homeless shelter like individual toothpastes, toothbrushes, etc. things they need but that usually do not get donated. Also, animal shelters are always looking for old towels, blankets and food.

    1. Food banks and animal shelters are my two favorite charities. We donate items to a thrift shop that supports animals and shop there too. I love what you do. Fantastic!

  5. We give through our church as well as other places. I’ve helped some friends. There’s a lot of needs out there now.


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