Friday, August 13, 2021

Stocking Up On Meat


Meat prices have been on the rise, that's for sure, but fortunately the stores are still having some decent sales and if you're patient they will finally show up.  This was the case for me a couple weeks ago when I was able to get boneless skinless chicken breasts for a reasonable price at the grocery store and pork sausage and Italian sausage in five pound rolls on sale at Cash & Carry.  The next weekly ad had bone-in chicken breasts for 99¢ a pound and pork chops for 95¢ a pound so I took advantage of those sales and stocked up.


Several meal sized portions to use later and plenty to meal prep with as well

I like to use a serrated knife and cut up the rolls in meal sized portions, place them in Ziploc bags that I label with a Sharpie marker and seal them up after I squeeze out as much air as I can.  Then I place each individual package inside a larger Ziploc bag to not only keep them organized but to help ward of freezer burn.  It works really well.


These chops are huge!

The pork chops were huge and plenty big enough for my daughter and I to share one for a meal.  I decided to put each one in a quart sized Ziploc bag I'd labeled and then all the chops went into a gallon sized bag, then into the freezer.


Bone in chicken I bought for meal prepping
I picked up two of these

I kept a third of each of the rolls of sausage to use for meal prepping.  I'll share more about what I did with that meat in another post.  For now I am quite pleased to have my freezer well stocked and done on a super thrifty budget.  The gallon sized Ziploc bags and some of the quart bags were ones I had washed out to reuse.  The other bags were purchased on sale and with coupons.  We are winter ready without breaking the bank.



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