Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Starting Seeds


I know that I am no gardener by any means, but I've decided I want to try again.  For awhile now I've been collecting toilet paper tubes and had filled up a one gallon ice cream pail.  After going through my seeds I watched a Youtube video on how to turn toilet paper tubes into seed starting pots and got busy.


Once they were done I filled them with potting soil I had in the garage and carefully planted the seeds according to the directions on the packets.  So far I have planted two types of tomatoes, sugar pumpkins, green bell peppers, jalapenos and cantaloupe.


With all of my seed pots tucked back into the ice cream bucket I mixed up a little miracle grow in some lukewarm water and gave each pot a nice drink.  I have my seeds sitting on top of our infrared heater with a grow light set on a twelve hour time. Wish me luck!



  1. Good luck! I like your setup, and I hope you have some sprouts soon.
    I need to start some seeds since I love fresh tomatoes.

  2. I need to get seeds planted! I love the grow light.


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